April 30, 2012
Committee of the Whole Meeting: 9:00 am – 12:17pm, 1:00 pm -1:40 pm
Confidential closed session 1:40 pm – 5:58 pm
Regular Meeting: 7:00 pm – 7:40 pm
Present: Mayor Millar, Deputy Mayor Lawrence, Councillors Claire, Warren and Wishart
Information Session on Shorelines
Councillor Wishart reported on an Information Session on Shorelines that was presented by Aqua Solutions 5 Inc. on April 13th, 2012. The session focused on dynamic beaches, erosion and slope hazards in the Township of Tiny to assist the Committee of Adjustment in dealing with issues of new construction within the 15-metre wave up-rush and the 30-metre dynamic beach allowance and when a Coastal Engineer’s report should be requested prior to approving a minor variance.
New Community Engagement and Volunteer Leader/Introduction
Bonita Desroches, Community Recreation Coordinator, introduced Rebecca Allen as the new Community Engagement and Volunteer Leader. Mayor Millar welcomed Ms. Allen to the Township of Tiny.
Out of the Cold – Overview of the Program
On behalf of Out of the Cold, Mr. Bob Bruer provided an overview of the organization. There are no paid staff, no government funding and over 200 volunteers. North Simcoe needs year round emergency housing. Knox Presbyterian Church provided overnight accommodation to 1,137 people from November 15 to April 17. The average stay is a couple of weeks. The homeless gravitate to Midland because of the services available there. The clientele include teenagers thrown out of their homes, people forced to leave their homes because of bed bugs, strangers from out of town, families forced to leave their homes because they have no heat and women who need short term safety. The profile requires local support so that youth can maintain attendance at schools and relationships with friends; accessible support for the mentally ill. The shelter also needs inclusive space to maintain families. He concluded the presentation by requesting a $1,000 donation.
Cawaja Propertyowners Association’s draft Memorandum of Understanding with the Township on Public Use
On behalf of the Cawaja Propertyowners Association, Andrew Poprawa and Andrew Chomentowski addressed members of Council regarding Cawaja Propertyowners Association’s Beach Use Regulations and a draft Memorandum of Understanding with respect to the public use of Cawaja Beach. Cawaja Beach is one-third owned by the Township of Tiny and two-thirds owned by the Cawaja Propertyowners Association (CPOA). The purpose of the presentation was to request Council’s consideration for the entering into a Memorandum of Understanding between the Township and CPOA in order to build a good relationship regarding the public use of Cawaja Beach.
Traffic Calming Principles
Ron Kerr, Project Manager, R.J. Burnside & Associates, presented an overview on traffic calming devices. Their intent is to change driving habits, reduce speed and traffic volumes and improve safety. However, when traffic is diverted the problem may just be moved to another location. They are not used on main thoroughfares because emergency vehicles use them. Attempts are made to make them look as attractive as possible.
Council authorized staff to obtain an estimate for a complete “Pilot Site” investigation including review and recommendations.
Expectations of Community Policing Committee
The Community Policing Committee is not a Township appointed committee and does not operate under the Municipal Act or the Police Services Act. The committee provides a liaison between the public and OPP. If a person for example feels the OPP is not effective they could go to the Policing Committee. Members of Council agreed to invite representatives of the Community Policing Committee to do a presentation to outline its past role, practices and expectations.
County Council Update.
Deputy Mayor Lawrence reiterated his concerns regarding the single sourcing contract for the entire County for waste pick up. He added that this was a recorded and thus weighted vote and consequently the representatives from the southern part of the county had more weight in the vote because they have higher populations. There is the possibility of eliminating weighted vote system at County Council, Deputy Mayor Lawrence also reported that a motion with respect to the undertaking of a review of the potential for the development of a police service for the County of Simcoe was defeated at County Council.
Development Security Deposit Policy
Council approved a Development Security Deposit Policy Report from Shawn Persaud, Manager of Planning & Development. Mr. Persaud noted that the Township solicitor has recommended that the Township adopt a formal development security deposit policy to ensure that developers clearly understand the financial requirements and expectations of the Township for posting securities as part of a development application. The owner would be required to provide the Township with cash or a letter of credit equal to 100% of the true construction value of municipal infrastructure work to be carried out within the development plus 3% to cover general administration costs. Upon completion of work and submission of the Certtificate of Completion by the Developer’s engineer and /or Landscape Architect, the Public Works Department will do a site inspection. Following completion of the inspection and confirmation that all accounts owing to the Township by the developer are up to date a recommendation will be made to council for a reduction in the security.
Application for Extension of Heritage Woods Draft Plan of Subdivision
The Committee considered Planning & Development Report PD-033-12 from Shawn Persaud, Manager of Planning & Development, regarding an application for an extension of Heritage Woods Draft Plan of Subdivision (Blairhampton Properties Inc.) for Part of Lots 20 & 21, Concessions 20 & 21 and Part of Unopened Road Allowance Between Concessions 20 & 21. Council resolved that the extension to the Heritage Woods Draft Plan of Subdivision be recommended to the County of Simcoe with the conditions as outlined in Planning Report P0-33-12.
Tender Results/Concession 13 West Bridge Rehabilitation
Council moved to accept the tender of Davisville Bridge & Road Works Ltd. in the
amount of $232,967.44 exclusive of HST to carry out rehabilitation of the bridge on Concession 13W.
Balm Beach Private Parking Spots (Revised)
The Committee considered Public Works Report PWR-021-12 from Henk Blom, Manager of Public Works, regarding the Balm Beach Private Parking Spots. This issue was discussed at the December 12, 2011, February 12, 2012 and April 10, 2012 (In-Camera) Regular Committee of the Whole meetings.
Council considered a further report from Henk Blom, Manager of Public Works, regarding Balm Beach Private Parking Sports “(Revised). It recommended that Option 4, Parking Entirely on Public Property with Non-Pay/Non-Metered Parking “Parking for Customers Only” outlined in the staff report, be accepted subject to the following: i) That the proposed parking be implemented on a trial basis for the duration of 2012; ii) That 30 minutes free parking at the Georgian Grill/Bingham’s parking spots and 2 hours free parking at the Surf Restaurant be implemented; iii) That “Parking for Customers Only” be placed at the above spots at the full cost of the adjoining businesses; and iv) That an agreement be executed with the Township and affected parties in recognition of the above.
Councillor Warren requested a recorded vote. The vote to accept Mr. Blom`s proposal was carried 3-2, with Councillor Warren and Deputy Mayor Lawrence opposed.
Wyevale Pedestrian Crosswalk
County Road 6 and Concession 5/School Zone Signals
Council authorized staff to proceed with the design and tendering of a Pedestrian Crosswalk in Wyevale at the intersection of County Road 6 and Concession 5, with appropriate school zone signs, in conjunction with the County of Simcoe Transportation and Engineering Department. The full cost of the infrastructure is to be paid from the 2012 Budget; and the County Road 6 Crosswalk signal infrastructure will be assumed by the County of Simcoe upon completion to their satisfaction with all costs thereafter to be borne by the County.
Traffic Calming Overview
Following the presentation by Ron Kerr of R.J. Burnside & Associates, the Committee considered a report from Henk Blom, Manager of Public Works, regarding traffic calming devices. Some of the issues discussed involved: how to select an area for traffic calming; will four way stop signs be ignored if they are considered to be unjust; are there in-house skills for a study; do we want to set up a test area for a pilot study and where would that area be located?
Council authorized staff to obtain an estimate for a complete “Pilot Site” investigation including review and recommendation.
Request for Access – Farlain Lake
Council approved a request for access to Farlain Lake between #104 and #112 Farlain Lake Road East, to provide limited access to the water’s edge. The Recreation Department will contact all interested parties regarding stewardship opportunities in the Farlain Lake area.
Balm Beach Road West Reconstruction
At the beginning of the meeting, Mayor Millar reported that he has received several calls expressing concerns with respect to the proposed width of the ditching on Balm Beach Road. Henk Blom, Manager of Public Works, explained that the span of the ditching is required in an effort to gradually slope the ditch rather than having a narrow and deep ditch.
Council directed staff to investigate alternative designs to open ditches and to report back to Council with estimated costs, schedule of completion and impacts. Staff was also directed to defer the reconstruction of the road west of Lesperance Road pending the staff report.
Administration Building Barrier Free Main Entrance Renovation
Deputy Mayor Lawrence presented a motion from the Accessibility Advisory Committee regarding the tendering process for the Administration Building Barrier-Free Main Entrance Renovation. Council directed staff to work with R. J. Burnside and Associates to break out any items in the project that do not relate to accessibility and to report back to Council with the revised budget prior to the tendering process.
Beach Access Identification
Deputy Mayor Lawrence requested that the posts and rails for beach access identification be painted/stained as part of maintenance operations. He noted that the beach access locations should be easily identified. Staff was directed to proceed with the painting/staining of the identification posts and rails at beach and access points.