April 10, 2012
Committee of the Whole Meeting: 9:00 am – 12:40 pm, 1:25 pm – 1:40 pm
Confidential closed session 1:40 pm – 3:07 pm
Regular Meeting: 7:00 pm – 7:43 pm
Mayor Millar, Deputy Mayor Lawrence, Councillors Claire, Warren, Wishart
Report on Septage Management Class EA Study
Anne Egan, P. Eng., Project Manager and Don McNalty, P. Eng., of the firm R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited reported on the progress of the Septage Management Class EA Study. The Township commissioned this Study to establish the preferred approach for managing septage from the 8,800 existing private sewage systems (septic systems or holding tanks) in the Township. Septage and holding tank waste is collected and disposed of by private haulers who opertate private disposal sites and/or spread the septage on agricultural land. The Ministry of Environment (MOE) now prohibits application of untreated septage on agricultural land during winter months and a total prohibition on land application of untreated septage will eventually come into effect.. The Class EA study has studied various approaches to this issue, including the possibilities to haul the septage to sewage plants in nearby municipalities. The preferred solution from the study is to construct a dedicated septage treatment and disposal facility within Tiny to treat solid and liquid portions of septage. Treatment systems that could be employed are: geotubes with liquid treatment using a membrane bioreactor and composting of solids; an anaerobic digestion of solids using membrane bioreactor; a lagoon system with liquid treatment composting of solids; or reed beds with liquid disposal to leaching beds and composting of solids. Council received the report as information and the study will proceed with a public information session on April 21.
Implementing the Source Protection Plan for water
Keith Sherman, Executive Director, Severn Sound Environmental Association, reported on the implementation of the Water Source Protection Plan in Tiny, which is intended to protect our drinking water from the threats posed by septics and nitrates, to name a few. The Ontario Drinking Water Stewardship Program has held municipal pre-consultation workshops and is starting formal consultations . Source protection plan submission deadlines have been extended to October 2012. The source protection plan reflects the Ministry of Environment perspectives and will become provincial legislation. In the plan municipalities would hire and train staff as Risk Management Official or Inspectors who would conduct inspections and negotiate risk management plans directly with landowners. Ideally there would be inter-municipal agreements to combine resources and implement responsibilities. Under the Clean Drinking Water Act municipalities would have powers of entry to inspect and have something done if there is a threat to drinking water.
Communications/Issues Management/Beach Ownership/Land Use Issues
Council considered motion to direct Staff to issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the provision of communication services/issues management expertise to assist the Township in communicating the Township’s position(s) in regard to ongoing beach ownership and land use issues.
After considerable discussion of the need for such services, Councillor Claire requested a recorded vote. The motion was defeated 3-2 by Deputy Mayor Lawrence, Councillors Claire and Warren opposed; Mayor Millar and Councillor Wishart supporting.
Revision – Proposed Locations of Broadband Infrastructure in the Township
Council approved a report from Doug Taylor, Manager of Administrative Services/Treasurer, regarding the installation of communications towers and ancillary infrastructure at the alternate site on proposed municipal property.
Administration Building Barrier-Free Main Entrance Renovation
Council approved a budget of $100,000 for this project in 2011 and now estimates are coming in at $190,000 even before the project has been tendered. Council moved to receive Planning & Development Report PD-025-12, from S. Jamie Wilson, Chief Building Official; and to direct staff to work with R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited to proceed with the project through the completion of the engineering drawings, tender documents, the closing of the tender and recommendation at which time Council will review the cost of the project and decide upon a course of action.
Mayor Millar advocated deferring all work on the project until the completion of the office functionality is completed, and requested a recorded vote.
Council voted 4-1 to carry on with the project, with Mayor Millar Opposed.
Balm Beach Road West/Cycling & Pedestrian Lanes No Parking & Signage/Legal Opinion
Council passed a motion that Confidential Public Works Report PWR-14-12 , from Henk Blom, Manager of Public Works, regarding Balm Beach Road West/Cycling and Pedestrian Lanes – “No Parking” and Signage, be received; and that “No Parking” be permitted on Balm Beach Road West from County Road 6 to Parent Road with appropriate signing to be placed in accordance with Option 2 “Additional Signage and Restricted Use”.
By-law 12-032 – To prohibit, regulate and control the use of Parks
Council passed By-law 12-032 to Prohibit, Regulate and Control the Use of Parks, which has a long list of prohibited and/or restricted activities in parks. Some of these are: archery, golf, horse riding, flying model airplanes, storing a boat, making a fire, barbequing, operating a motorized vehicle, or carry a stick of any kind while on the ice surface in a park except where such surface has been designated for the playing of hockey. If in doubt, call the Township Office for advice.