Reports on Council are compiled from the observations of FoTTSA volunteers. The observers also draw on information in agendas and official minutes available at Council decisions appear as resolutions and by-laws in the minutes of the regular Council meetings. All Council meetings are now live streamed and recorded: Council Meetings Live Stream.

Report on Tiny Council December 14, 2022

Composition of Advisory Committees, local Boards and external Committees; turn around on Hiawatha Rd.

Report on Tiny Council November 9, 23, and 30, 2022

Busk ‘til Dusk report, STR by-law amendment re insurance, OPP Services Agreement, Wyebridge post office, Hiawatha turnaround, Council meeting dates 2023.

Report on Tiny Council October 12, 2022

Concerns about STRs and 15-meter setback for boathouses, gravel pit timeline synopsis,
building permit activity, Stopping Harassment and Abuse by Local Leaders Act, Movember
campaign support, amendments to STR licensing regime.

Report on Tiny Council September 21, 2022

2023 Public Budget Survey Results, return to in-person Council meetings and making them open to the public, new Zoning By-Law update, Ground Water Study – Natural Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) grant application, proposed Federal Electoral Map changes.

Report on Tiny Council August 10, 11, and 31, 2022

Morneau community project, OPP contract renewed, Short Term Rentals, Farlain Lake blue-
green algae update, management of Tiny’s dynamic shoreline.

Report on Tiny Council July 20, 2022

Georgian Bay Great Lakes Foundation requests support, two committees of Council merge,
Movember campaign for men’s health and mental health awareness requests support.

Report on Tiny Council June 8, 14 and 29, 2022

Transportation Master Plan progress, shoreline alteration, invasive species Lafontaine, new Zoning By-law, Sarjeant Company’s PTTW.

Report on Tiny Council May 11 and 18, 2022

Short Term Rental Accommodation (STRA) Task Force, draft STRA licensing by-law 22-017,
Renter’s Code of Conduct, Owner/Licensee Code of Conduct, Demerit Point system, licensing
program for STRAS.

Report on Tiny Council March 21, April 6 and 27, 2022

Short Term Rental Accommodation Committee, Reform Gravel Mining Coalition, 2021 sewage
reinspection program, charities supported by Mayor’s Charity Golf Tournament, draft Zoning
By-law update, Woodland Beach ownership issue.

Report on Tiny Council February 23 and March 16, 2022

Citizen’s committee on Council remuneration, non-resident parking permit program,
delineation of public beaches/accesses

Report on Tiny Council February 2 and 3, 2022

Staff appointments, rejection of Wahnekewening Beach’s deputation, procedural By-law
changes, remuneration for Council, lame duck Council, key election dates, 2022 budget, LDD
special meeting

Report on Tiny Council January 12, 2022

Let’s Rock Together possible event July 9, deputation re Wahnekewening Beach, procedural by-law changes, Woodland Beach shoreline parcel, taxation of aggregate companies, 2022 draft budget overview

Report on Tiny Council December 15, 2021

Movember campaign results, Years of Service awards, audited 2020 financial statements, voting method for this fall’s municipal election, report re Sarjeant Pit environmental compliance application, Busk till Dusk, special Committee of the Whole budget meeting

Report on Tiny Council November 2,3, 10 and 24, 2021

Special meeting to fill the councillor position vacated by Tony Mintoff, Culture Alliance supported, vaccination policy, ATV/ORV by-law update, fireworks by-law, appointment to the Short-term rental accommodation task force, Public Beach Monitoring Summary Report, budget meeting, Mayor’s Charity Golf Tournament, introduction of new employees, Simcoe County Land Needs Assessment, Transportation Master Plan, Council representatives appointed to advisory committees, voting method for the fall 2022 municipal election, 2022 council meeting schedule, single-use plastics

Report on Tiny Council October 13, 2021

Movember, new administrative assistant. 

Report on Tiny Council September 1 and 22, 2021

Councillor Tony Mintoff resigns, deputation on climate change, LDD (gypsy moth) management strategy recommended by Chuck Stradling, Teedon pit, Simcoe County’s Municipal Comprehensive Review, municipal beach mapping, crosswalk concession 9 west/TBRS, SSEA weather station funded, council meeting schedule, Integrity Commissioner’s annual report, Centre Beach road speed

Report on Tiny Council Meeting August 11, 2021

Municipal Land Delineation, Short Term Rental Accommodation International Joint Commission (IJC) Presentation re Upper Great Lakes Water Levels, Hybrid Council Meetings, New Tiny Zoning By-Law, Bee City Designation for Tiny Township, Financial Covid Impact Analysis January 1 To June 30, 2021

Report on Tiny Council – Meeting July 21, 2021

Deputation re council’s decision (3-2) to withdraw from the LPAT hearing about the proposed extension of the Teedon pit, beach access motion proposed, Re-opening of township, OPP detachment board, firefighter classification and remuneration review, LDD (gypsy moth) infestation

Reports on Tiny Council – Meetings June 9, 21 and 30, 2021

Customer service strategy update, Severn Sound Environmental Association resolution, staff appointments, short term rental task force, covid relief from tax penalties/charges, Wyevale fire hall and Wyebridge community centre telecommunications towers, areas for speed limit changes

Reports on Tiny Council – Meetings May 18, 19 and 21, 2021

New zoning by-law workshop including short term rentals, cannabis cultivation, permits to take water, backyard chickens, outdoor lighting, flooding and septage; statement of diversity; Jackson Park boat launch user fees; recommended Mayor’s Charity Golf Tournament recipients; minutes of Teedon Settlement – special meeting May 21, 2021

Reports on Tiny Council – Meetings April 7, 14, 20, 22, 26, 28, 2021

Virtual town hall, Mayor’s charity golf tournament, groundwater presentation by Dr. William Shotyk and Dr. Michael Powell, council meeting schedule, covid parking restrictions, updated noise by-law, Jackson Park boat launch, Church in the Pines, parking and emergency access roads, Sarjeant Company’s application for a permit to take water, short term rentals, projected unaudited 2020 year end financial summary, taxes, beachfront property delineation, solar radar sign placement, non-resident parking permits

 Report on Tiny Council March 17, 2021

Sewage septic reinspection program, UNESCO global geoparks, park ambassadors, grace period for tax penalties/charges , township library use, council complaints and inquiries handling guideline, non-resident parking permits. employee remuneration, Sarjeant company’s application for a permit to take water, committee of adjustment decisions

Reports on Tiny Council – Meetings February 1, 3, 8, 24, 2021

Parking by-law amendments, gypsy moth spraying, audited financial statements, teedon pit, staff appointment, phragmites eradication funding, new zoning by-law, budget, meeting schedule, short-term rental licensing

Reports on Council January 2021

Gypsy Moth Infestation, Granting of a 10-Year PTTW to the Owner of the Teedon Pit, Removal of Beaver Dam, Appointment of a Member Of Council to The Committee of Adjustment

Reports on Council November 9 and 30 and December 9 and 21, 2020

Short Term Rental news, gypsy moths, road safety, parking strategy changes, new Council meeting schedule, staff appointments, County Council budget, Transit & Transportation Master Plan, Teedon Pit Expansion, zoning bylaw review, trails and snow mobile clubs

Report on Council October 19, 2020

Gypsy moths, road safety deputations follow-up, Golf-a-Thon charity donations, outdoor rinks, staff appointments

Report on Council September 9 and 28, 2020

Road safety, Delineation of Township beach property, Pine Forest road surface issues, Bell communications towers, Budget meeting dates, Recovery Plan, Parking, Short-Term Rentals, Internet, COVID-19 financial impact, CAO recruitment

Report on Council August 17, 2020

FoTTSA Letter re high water levels and A Declaration Of Climate Emergency, FoTTSA Letter re Gypsy Moth infestation, ATVs in Tiny, Charities to be supported by the 2020 Mayor’s Charity Golf-A-Thon, Advisory Committees of Council, Face coverings By-law, Council meeting schedule for remainder Of 2020, Target date for reopening the Township Offices, Water rate and usage

Report on Council July 6 and 27, 2020

GBGLF Deputation, North Simcoe Waste Facility, Viasat Satellite Antenna, MHBC Planning Re Proposed Updates to Growth Plan And Proposed Solar Energy Policies

Report on Council June 15, 2020

GBGLF deputation, Invasive species report

Report on Council May 25, 2020

FoTTSA deputation re short term rentals, cash flow financial update, temporary beach encroachments, building permit activity, broadband service at Tiny Township and Wyebridge Community Centres, North Simcoe Family Health Team, Virtual Mayor’s Charity Golf Tournament, solar speed signs

Report on Council April 15 & 27, 2020

Financial Relief to Residents And Businesses, Great Lakes Waterfront Trail, Community Library Box at Bluewater Dunes, Modifications to Tiny’s Official Plan, Sewage System Reinspection Program, Phragmites Control, By-Law Enforcement Related to Covid-19 Provincial Orders, Financial Implications Related to Covid-19 Pandemic, Council’s Meeting Schedule Under Emergency Declaration

Report on Council March 9, 2020

Regulatory Changes to the Aggregate Resources Act, Mayor’s Charity Golf Tournament Recipients Approved, Building Needs Committee Update, Site Plan Application by Orok Enterprises Inc (Stubbs) for Georgian Bay Park, Part Lot 25, Concession 2 West, Busk til’ Dusk Events at Balm Beach, Report re Plan 691 Beach, Plan 779 Beach, Wahnekewening Beach and Silver Birch Beach

Report on Council February 10 & 27, 2020

New Administrative Building for Tiny, Amendment to Sarjeant’s Site Plan, Viasat Satellite Antenna Facility proposed for Concession 14 East, Broadband Funding

Report on Council January 13 & 27, 2020

2020 Budget Presentation, Teedon Pit Extension update, Deputation by Bonnie Pauze, Pools and hot tubs on shore, Proposed Bell Mobility telecommunications tower

Report on Council December 9, 2019 and 2020 Budget Meetings November 4, November 20 & December 9, 2019

Deputation by FoTTSA Director Tara Marshall regarding aggregate extraction in Concession 1; 2020 Town Hall Meetings; increasing pay parking rates; Southern Georgian Bay Family Physician Recruitment Program; Farlain Lake Community Association; 2% tax rate increase; a proposed water study of the Waverley Uplands

Report On Council November 13 & 25, 2019 

Sarjeant Waverley pits 1 & 2, aggregate licence application review; new complaint process: property standards and clean yards by-laws, short term rental information, noise control by-law; sandbags at Farlain Lake; encroachment policy extended for two years; Georgian Bay Great Lakes Foundation update; Rural Ontario Municipal Association annual conference delegations; telecommunications tower at Champlain road

Report on Council October 16 and 28, 2019

Sarjeant Pits – Amending Agreement to the French Road Haul Route Agreement, High Water at Farlain Lake, Use of Public Beach at Wahnekewening by Residents, Short Term Rentals, Free Resident Parking Permit, The Cultural Alliance in the Heart of Georgian Bay, Changes to the Aggregate Resources Act (ARA), Telecommunications Tower Proposal at 771 Champlain Road, Parking at Thunder Beach

Report on Council September 9 & 30, 2019

Dates of 2020 Budget Meetings, Outcome of Balm Beach Fun Day, September 19, 2019 Town Hall Meeting, 2020-2025 Strategic Plan, Telecommunications Tower for the Balm Beach area, Great Lakes Waterfront Trail, Updated Provincial Policy Statement, new Municipal Administrative Building

Report on Council August 12 & 26, 2019

Dates of 2020 Budget meetings, Tagging of items at Wahnekewening beach, Road improvement agreement between Tiny and the Sarjeant Company, Playground to be installed at Balm Beach 

Report on Council July 8 & 29, 2019

Announcements, Innisfil transit by Uber, Awenda Park blockade, Broadband & cellular access, Boating speed limit along shoreline, Clean yards & property standards, Proposed telecommunications tower

Report on Council June 10 & 24, 2019

Town Hall Meeting, Boating safety, Nitrate fertilizers in Lafontaine/Georgian Sands, Internet, Telecommunications tower near Cedar Point Road,  Golden Horseshoe Growth Plan

Report on Council May 13 & 27, 2019

Battle of Georgian Bay Re-enactment, Mayor’s Charity Golf Tournament, weddings on public beaches, wind turbine policy, grant money, Cawaja, Bluewater Beach, Regional Government Review

Report on Council April 8, 17 & 29, 2019

Recreational water surveillance, climate change action plan, Tiny Strategic Plan workshop, 2019 taxes, urban chickencoops, slowdown in building activity, partial road allowance closure at Thunder Beach 

Report on Council March 11 & 25, 2019

Township’s Comments Letter to the MNRF about the Extension of the Teedon Pit in Concession 1, FoTTSA’s 24 March letter to Council about the Teedon Pit, Regional Culture Committee created, Internet and Cell Service Ad Hoc Committe created, 2019 Budget approved, Committee appointments, Bluewater Dunes Ratepayers Association Community Bulletin Board, Sewage System Reinspection Program, Legal Representation re: Teedon Pit Extension Application

Report on Council January 14 and 30, 2019

Announcements, Cannabis & Smoking, Bill 66, Doors Open Ontario, Aggregate Extraction, Free Parking Permits, Budget, Council & Staff Compensation Review, Items for Further Discussion