Township seeks applications for board/committee positions
Township seeks applicants for positions on Police Services Board, Midland Public Library Board and Mayor’s Charity Golf Tournament Working Committee [more]
Township seeks applicants for positions on Police Services Board, Midland Public Library Board and Mayor’s Charity Golf Tournament Working Committee [more]
Announcements; Deputations Regarding Kitching Lane Beach Access; Annual Community Contribution Funding Policy; YTD Building Permit Activity; Non-Agricultural Source Materials Sites and Hauled Sewage Waste Disposal Sites; Use of ATV’s in Tiny Township; Pilot Parking Program; Lafontaine Beach Park Master Plan Implementation; Revised Budget Meeting Dates [more]
Born to Ride Cycling Community Partnership Program; Simcoe County Trails Permanent Pilgrimage Route; Corporate Insurance 2014 Renewal Cost Increase; County Council Update; Annual Appointment of Council Member to Committee of Adjustment; Wyevale Master Plan/Sale of Property; Depositing of Snow on Municipal Property; Confidential/Closed Session; Plan 779 [more]
OPP; Parks & Recreation; Bylaw & Dog Control; Waste Management; Development Charges; Affordable Housing; Farlain Lake [more]
REPORT ON COUNCIL: October 28, 2013 Committee of the Whole Meeting: 9:00 am – 11:27am Regular Meeting: 7:00pm-7:35pm Mayor Millar, Deputy Mayor Lawrence, Councilors Warren, Wishart, Claire Closed Meeting Investigator Appointment The Committee considered a draft resolution regarding the proposed appointment of JGM Consulting to provide closed meeting investigation services. Staff [more]
Update/Outcome of Stop the Drop Campaign; Family Physician Recruitment/Succession Planning; Crown Reserve-Wymbolwood Beach; Open Parking Concerns; Request for Use of Township Property; County Council Update; Huronia Economic Alliance Resolution; Ministry of Rural Affairs-Small, Rural and Northern Municipal Infrastructure Fund; Heritage Advisory Committee Appointments; [more]
Crown Reserve/Wymbolwood Beach; Southern Georgian Bay OPP Quarterly Report; Boundaries Act and Surveys Matters; Disposition of Wyebridge Public School; Severn Sound Environmental Association Costs, Contributions; Comments re: Tiny-Cawaja Co-ownership Agreement; Proposed By-Law-Speed Limit Conc.4 E and Mertz Corner Rd; County Council Update; Pre-Budget Approval/Consultat’s/Building Permit Fee Structure; Proposed By-Law re: Setting of Open Fires; [more]
Special Permit to Remove Trees; Water Ban; Huronia Economic Alliance Update; Co-Ownership Agreement-Tiny/Cawaja; Heritage Advisory Committee; Confidential/Closed Session [more]
Special Permit to Remove Trees; Water Ban; Huronia Economic Alliance Update; Co-Ownership Agreement-Tiny/Cawaja; Heritage Advisory Committee; Confidential/Closed Session [more]
County Council Update; Silver Birch Access–Gubins; Work Superintendent Alternative Options; Renewal of infield of Thunder Beach Association baseball diamond; Parking Changes to Dune Street by the Wymbolwood Beach Park known as Gordon J. Tuffs Park. [more]
The Federation of Tiny Township Shoreline Associations