Membership dues are $3.00 for each paid-up member in your Association in the current calendar year. Minimum dues per Association are $75.00 and maximum dues are $500.00.

Please use this downloadable membership application form FoTTSA Membership 2024

For more information:

Who are we and what do we do?” from Issue #16 of The Tiny Cottager

What FoTTSA Does for You

FoTTSA – Who We Are

Member Associations as of March 2024

Addison Beach Property Owners’ Association

Ardmore Beach Association

Bluewater Dunes Ratepayers Association/Corporation –

Bluewater Georgina Wendake Beaches and Ratepayers Association

Carusoe Bay Association

Cedar Point Cottagers Association

Cleopatra Resort Co-Ownership Inc.

Deanlea Beach Association Inc.

Edmor Beach-Georgian Heights Ratepayers Association

Farlain Lake Community Association

Georgian Highlands Cottagers’ Association

Lafontaine Area Shoreline Homeowners Association LASHA

Kettle’s Beach Subdivision Association Inc.

Kingswood Acres Beach Association

The Nottawaga Beach Association

The Pennorth Beach Corporation

Thunder Beach Association

Wahnekewening Community Association

Woodland Beach Property Owners’ Association

Wymbolwood Beach Association

Delegated Members

Friends of the Waverley Uplands, Ontario

Peter Anderson, Tiny, Ontario

David Barkey, Tiny, Ontario

Vern Hopkins, Tiny, Ontario

Glenn Irvine, Tiny, Ontario

Marlene Lambie, Tiny, Ontario

Bonnie Pauze, Tiny, Ontario

Kim Townsend, Tiny, Ontario