Report–Tiny Township 1994 Election


By David Blair 
Chairman, 1994 Election Committee

It took the will of thousands to elect the new Tiny Township Council.

The members of council are:
Mayor: Anthony Lancia
Deputy Major: Douglas Taylor 
Councillors: Ron Clément
Evelyn Klym 
Susan Kronschnabl

The Process
The directors of the Federation enlisted the Presidents of our member Associations, who enlisted their executives, who enlisted their members.

We talked with our neighbours in person and on the telephone.

We held lots of meetings and attended two on Market Value Reassessment.

The Tiny Cottager kept you informed of the real election issues.

The Political Team
Our Special Election Issue of The Tiny Cottager introduced the candidates who sought and received your Federation’s support.

These candidates exhibited a clarity of purpose, integrity and honesty.

They pledged to listen to and react positively to your concerns.

The Political Action
We held a rally for these candidates in Mississauga, attended by more than 500 enthusiastic supporters.

We sponsored an all candidates’ meeting, attended by over 400
Open-minded people and a few rude hecklers.

There were other incidents of public mischief during the campaign, including vandalism of candidates’ signs and an investigation into phoney allegations of alleged illegal proxies.

Our candidates, undaunted by this nonsense, persevered and won.

The Results (tell it all)
Total votes cast were up 8.7% over 1991 and the advance poll voting was up 29%.

The charts (on page 2) give you the voting statistics by poll:

It was standing room only in the Council Chambers on the afternoon of Tuesday, December 6, 1994, when our new Council was sworn in.

The ceremony was a moving and joyful experience.

It was our intention to share with you our jubilation over these fantastic election results earlier, in a separate mailing, but we had depleted our financial resources.

One of the many things we learned was that electors with the common goal of “good government” can make a difference.

Thank you to all the volunteers who supported the Federation with your time, talent and funding.

Thank you for voting for our new Council.

Thank you for new friendships and the cementing of old friendships.