Report on Council: November 15th and 27th, 2017


November 15 and 27, 2017
Committee of the Whole Meetings: November 15, 2017: 9:00 a.m. – 12:47 p.m.; and November 27, 2017: 9:00 a.m. – 3:47 p.m.
Regular Meetings of Council: Nov 15, 2017: 2:00 p.m. – 2:19 p.m.; and November 27, 2017: 6:08 p.m. – 6:18 p.m.
Mayor George Cornell, Deputy Mayor Steffen Walma and Councillors Cindy Hastings and Gibb Wishart present both days. Richard Hinton absent from noon on on the 15th and all day on the 27th.

Ridgeline hills located on Concession 8 West, Concession 15 West, and Concession 17 West will be closed throughout the winter
December 18, Regular Meeting of Council at 9 a.m. followed by Budget meeting (not the 11th as previously announced)
February 5, 2018, 9 a.m., 2018 Budget meeting, Council Chambers (replacing the previously announced January 22, 2018 meeting)

Mayor Cornell noted that the 2018 County budget tax increase is recommended to be 1.04%.

This entails the installation of 15 signs between the Penetanguishene town line and Kettles Beach as a pilot project to gauge the effectiveness of this approach prior to expanding the program to all identified routes. The anticipated cost is $1,500.00. The signage is to depict a car, bike and pedestrian indicating the shared road status.

On November 15, Council approved Tiny’s participation in SSEAs 2018 Tree Seedling Distribution Project. The deadline for orders is January 19. The species available (all native) are White and Red Pine, White Spruce, White Cedar, Balsam Fir, Silver Maple, White Birch and Nannyberry (a shrub). Contact Michelle Hudolin at 705-527-5166 ext. 202 to be added to then email distribution list and for information. There is information on SSEA’s website –

Jamie Robinson of MHBC Planning provided Council with a table detailing comments received in writing and orally up to November 15 regarding Draft 1 of the OP. Four main themes were —

  • Lack of Building Control Policies
  • Changing the “Environment First” objective to “Environment Focused”’
  • Secondary Suites in the Shoreline designation
  • Population Growth and Allocation/Settlement Area Boundaries

Of the first theme, Robinson observed that the OP is not used to establish “Building Control” as there are other mechanisms available to the Township for that purpose. MHBC recommended no changes.

Regarding “Environment Focused”, MHBC again recommended no changes to the next draft, arguing that provincial and county initiatives already provide significant environmental protection.

On the other hand, MHBC agreed that secondary suites, which are meant to provide affordable housing, would probably be used for short term rentals in the shoreline area. Secondary suites will be removed for the Shoreline in the next draft, while still being permitted in rural and settlement areas.

Allocation of population growth to settlement areas (a provincial requirement) has to be delayed until the County of Simcoe completes a study of population allocation several years hence (also a provincial requirement). (Tiny is unlikely to be allocated any settlement growth or boundary expansion.) In the meantime, MHBC recommends that the County’s greenland expansion in Tiny’s shoreline area not be implemented to allow for population growth in the shoreline. Robinson speculated that greenland expansion might be exchanged for settlement growth.

MHBC anticipates having the next draft ready by the end of January and a second Open House at the end of February or in March. (Open Houses are to be held both in Tiny and, to accommodate seasonal residents, in the GTA.)  The official Public Meeting will occur two months later.

A report submitted by Steven Harvey, Tiny’s Chief Municipal Law Enforcement Officer, noted that a number of minor adjustments to the previous year’s Pilot Parking Program were effective. Improved signage, for example, resulted in many fewer parking infractions. The 150 permits available to residents of neighbouring municipalities were sold out by June 21, but only a modest number of requests (15 or so) were made after that date.

Trew Avenue and the Bluewater Dunes subdivision were interrelated trouble spots that spurred much feedback and comment. Special Occasion Parking and parking for clubs that have regularly scheduled meetings also require adjustments.

Council decided to devote the morning of January 8 to issues connected with the parking Program.