Council Reports: November 9, 2009


November 9, 2009

Committee of the Whole Meeting: 9:00 am – to 12:36 pm

and 1:11 pm to 5:32 pm

Regular Evening Meeting: 7:00 pm – 7:46 pm

All members of Council present.


Summerama Report –
The organizers reported that this event in Balm Beach last August was a success and made a modest profit. Attendance figures are not available as no admission was charged. They stated that there were no reported negative incidents. Council authorized staff to send a letter of support for the group’s application for a grant to support a similar festival on August 14th, 2010. Requests for in-kind and financial assistance are to be considered during budget deliberations.
A local resident has asked to make an oral presentation to provide his perspective. He is to be heard on December 14th.

Requests for 2010 Budget Consideration –
The Huronia Hospitals Foundation, the Severn Sound Environmental Association and the Southern Georgina Bay Chamber of Commerce made presentations asking to be considered for funding in the 2010 budget.

Septage and Waste –
Council briefly discussed the presentation from Superior Green Consulting regarding energy from waste that was made at the last meeting. It appears that its solution would be very costly (+$30 million). Council recommended that the company meet with the Simcoe County officials.
Council decided to hear two more submissions regarding management of septage at the next meeting to help them understand what is available.
The report from C.C. Tatham and Associates, made at the last meeting, was put forward for discussion at the budget meetings.
At the evening meeting Ray Millar spoke on behalf of Zero Waste Simcoe. This is an association that promotes “avoidance” and advocates reduction of waste by producers of goods and services. They acknowledge that all levels of government would have to pass new legislation in order to accomplish this and recognize that the higher levels of government must take the lead.


New Website Design
A committee of staff members presented an updated design for the township website. It is attractive and more user friendly. They plan to roll this out early in 2010.

Balm Beach Lighting
Staff brought a proposal to install new lighting at Balm Beach as the first step in the long-term improvement plan. After discussion they were instructed to prepare a tender for nine new light standards.

Construction and Renovation at the Main Office –
Staff presented a report that showed the work was completed under budget but several members of council were not satisfied and requested further details for the next meeting.

Beach 911 Emergency Signage –
It has been noticed that there are no signs on the township’s public beaches identifying the location if someone needed to make an emergency call. These signs would be on the waterside and provide the civic address that emergency crews need to find an access point. The standard signage would be placed at the roadside identifying the municipal address. Staff will acquire prices for these signs for the next meeting.