Firefighting equipment in Tiny Township is showing the ravages of its age and decades of poor Council planning practices. A program of replacement should be seriously considered, according to Councillor Doug Taylor.
Five firehalls serve the Tiny Township area, located in Wyevale, Wyebridge, Woodland Beach, Lafontaine and Toanche (north west basin.) They are all staffed by volunteers. The Township also retains a part-time fire chief.
While not yet of museum vintage, pumpers and tankers generally average 25 and 19 years old respectively and three of the pumpers are in quite poor condition, says Taylor.
A motion was passed by council recently on a vote of 4:1 (Fern Maurice opposed) asking the Ontario Fire Marshall to conduct a review of municipal fire services in the Township of Tiny, at no cost to the municipality.
Do you favour Tiny Council purchasing functional fire trucks to properly protect our properties?
For more information, phone Doug Taylor, (705) 549-8388.