FoTTSA Reports on Tiny Council Meetings December 2024

SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL – December 10th, 2024


Council met to receive a report on the new Dynamic Beach Management By-law. All council members were in attendance.

After a brief introduction by Director Leitch, Mr. J. Robinson of MHBC provided an update on the status of the three documents being prepared which will assist the Township in the future management of development and site alteration within dynamic beach areas. A Dynamic Beach Study was completed by Aqua Solutions 5 Inc., and draft documents were provided to the Township in the summer of 2024.

Following receipt of these studies, Township staff and MHBC Planning drafted amendments to the Township Official Plan and Zoning By-law and prepared the Dynamic Beach Management By-law for public review and consultation.

Key features involve identifying dynamic beach areas, regulating building and site alterations, and establishing a permitting system to manage development while protecting ecological and hazard-related functions.

See full MHBC report here:
See Public Works Report PWR-034-24 here:

It is proposed to undertake community consultation via an Open House and Public Meetings in January/February with a recommendation report and final by-laws to be presented to Council for approval in April/May.

Council approved a motion that the staff report on the Dynamic Beach Management draft by-law be received and that council direct staff to accept the draft bylaw for public engagement and report back to council in April of 2025 with a proposed by-law for formal consideration; and further that staff consider public information centres be held separately for the public and the building community.

REGULAR MEETING of COUNCIL Wednesday December 11th, 2024

The Mayor, Deputy Mayor and two Councillors attended the meeting, councillor Walma by remote. Mayor Evans in the chair.


Samantha Barnett, Township of Tiny Volunteer Firefighter – 2024 Movember Campaign Verbal Update Ms. Barnett advised that they raised over $39 K. this year which was short of the $45 K. target. They partnered with Wasaga and they raised over $6 K. through a one-day boot drive.

Mayor Evans thanked the firefighters for their contributions and Samantha for personally raising over $16 K. The report was received as information.

Jim Brown – Proposed Beach Access Project, Concession 5 W. & TBRS

Mr. Brown outlined the concerns of residents to the proposed new pathway: safety, 40K. budget and lack of details on proposed works, loss of privacy, exposure to express traffic and high level of intrusion. Environmental concerns, for unnecessary additional access points. His conclusion was that the work was unnecessary, redundant and harmful. He urged council to re-evaluate the proposal and offered to meet with councillors on site.

Councillor Brunelle advised that he met with Mr. Brown on site to discuss. Mayor Evans thanked Mr. Brown for his deputation.


Councillor Brunelle questioned:

10 21 2024 Township of Tiny Administrative Centre Committee – Minutes

  • If Azimuth is the contractor responsible for the Environmental Impact Study.
  • Were any comments received from the First Nations. T. Leitch advised that no comments have been received.
  • What is the Video with Mayor all about. Mayor Evans explained there will be a number of videos to outline the site location and development progress. 11 18 2024 Township of Tiny Administrative Centre Committee – Minutes
  • Where is the report on the results of site studies and when will they be provided to council. Director Leitch advised that the four studies will be posted online this week and then expanded on the four studies.
  • Are the parking, emergency operations centre needs and IT requirements included in the proposed overall budget cost. T. Leitch confirmed that they were included.

11 20 2024 Regular Meeting of Council – Minutes

  • He asked council to discuss the Climate Protection program presented. It was agreed this will be addressed at the following CoW meeting.

Councillor Walma questioned:

9 16 2024 Heritage Advisory Committee – Minutes

  • Why Cultural Alliance Minutes for six months were all lumped together. Clerk Walton to advise.

All minutes were received and adopted as distributed

11 20 2024 Committee of the Whole Meeting – Minutes

  • Councillor Walma again questioned the start time of meetings referring to the budget meetings going on until late in the evening. He requested that a 2:00 pm meeting start be adopted.

Councillor Brunelle advised that he has seasonal employment and that once the winter months are over that he would not be able to attend the meetings if a 2:00 pm start be adopted.

Councillor Helowka stated that he was exhausted and near delirium by the end of the last budget meeting and agreed to the proposed revised time. He received only 2 emails supporting keeping the meeting times as-is and supported the change.

A motion to amend the procedural by-law to reflect a 2:00 pm start time was approved 3-2.


Application for Construction Financing through Infrastructure Ontario for the Township of Tiny Administration Centre for 2025

Director H. Leblond advised that Infrastructure Ontario (IO) has helped finance over $22 billion in local infrastructure projects across Ontario. IO provides affordable long-term financing as well as shorter-term (construction) financing solutions to various entities like Hospitals, Universities and other public entities including Municipalities and all borrowers in the same sector share the same affordable rates and benefits. (

As indicated in the September 16, 2024 TTAC meeting minutes and approved by Council on November 20, 2024, the committee recommends proceeding with an application to IO for construction financing in order to secure access to the funds for a potential draw date in May/June of 2025. The loan program for loans of +$25m must be approved by the board at Infrastructure Ontario which can take anywhere from 3-4 months.

Short-term (construction) financing is available during the construction period of an approved project based on incurred costs. Interest is calculated and payable monthly on the 1st day of each month based on the posted short-term rates. Construction financing is at a variable (floating) rate until the facility is debentured to long-term debt or paid out by way of an alternative long-term debt solution.

On October 21, 2024, Staff received information from IO that the current interest rate for construction was 4.61%. This rate will fluctuate as it is a variable rate facility and it is dependent on the Bank of Canada’s posted rate, however it is anticipated that interest rates will continue to drop and by the time the township requires the funds, that rate could be lower.

As the project progresses and funds are drawn on the floating rate facility (construction financing loan) Council can choose to debenture at multiple times with differing terms with IO as long as it doesn’t exceed the asset life, or the maximum fixed rate term (30 years) and it is debentured at substantial completion. Further, Council can also convert to long-term debt with another institution.

Therefore, as the project progresses and if interest rates continue to decline, it may be advantageous to consider locking into a long-term financing arrangement before substantial completion in order to take advantage of lowered interest rates and decrease the risk of interest rates rising by the time the project is at substantial completion. It is important to note that the information above is provided as information only and options to convert the debt will be brought forward to Council for consideration in the future as recommended by the TTAC Committee.

As IO’s specialty is lending to public entities and they can typically secure better rates than traditional lending institutions, the TTAC Committee is seeking Council’s approval to proceed with a Construction Financing application with IO. Once the application is approved the borrowing by-law will be brought to Council to ratify in order for IO to proceed with the loan.

Council approved staff moving forward with the application.

Planning & Development Report PD-024-24 – Zoning By-law Amendment – 597 Rue Lafontaine Road West – Owners, M. Marchand and J. Marchand

The purpose of the application is to re-zone the lands, under Zoning By-law 22-075, as amended, from the Rural Residential (RR) zone to a Rural Residential – Exception zone. An Additional Dwelling Unit (ADU) is a permitted use in this zone and on the property. However, the application requests consideration of site-specific exception to permit an increased maximum gross floor area/size of the proposed ADU from 45% of the size of the existing principal dwelling to a maximum permitted size of 96.5% of the size of the principal dwelling. The application also requests an increased maximum lot coverage for accessory structures (including the ADU) from the maximum of 93 m2 to 284.3 m2. The effect of the application would be to permit the proposed size.

The zoning application was approved and a by-law enacted.

Proposed Resolution to Appoint Randy Bidan as the Township’s secondary Livestock Valuer

Mayor Evans advised that Mr. Bidan is currently the owner of Huronia Animal Control and fully qualified to carry out this position. The appointment was approved.

By-laws 95-102 – Being a By-law to authorize the entering into of an Agreement with

the Georgian Bay Snowriders Snowmobile Club for the 2024-2028 Winter Seasons. By-law 24-063 – Being a by-law to Establish a Public Notice Policy for The Corporation The proposed bylaws were passed and enacted.

COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING Wednesday December 11th, 2024

The Mayor, Deputy Mayor and two Councillors attended the meeting, councillor Walma by remote. Deputy Mayor Miskimins in the chair.


  • Mike Lee and Alvaro Almuina, R.J. Burnside and Associates Limited presented on the Tiny Beaches Road and Active Transportation Improvement study carried out for the area between Concessions 8 and 11 to alleviate concerns about lack of adequate space for all users (pedestrians, cyclists and autos) on local roadways. The full report is available at

Director Leitch advised that this work was primarily to generate input on the potential changes.

Councillor Walma asked Director Leitch whether this was going to be included in the general road improvements program as opposed to a specific project. He was advised that this work would be carried out over several years.

Councillor Helowka stated his total lack of support for one-way streets. The presentation was received as information.

Consent Items

County Council Highlights – November 26, 2024

Mayor Evans noted that Nov. 26th was the last meeting of County Council for 2024. He also advised that there will be 3.62% budget increase for 2025. Council composition is also being re-looked at by the Governance Committee. He then gave a brief overview of the Municipal Insurance Pool and potential savings for the Township. It was also noted that DM Miskimins was named Vice Chair of the County Corporate Services Committee.

• Public Works Report PWR-036-24 – Tiny Beaches Road Design Review Report

In reference to the RJ Burnside presentation, staff advised that they have prepared:

• Sizing of culvert crossings of the watercourses in the study area
• A survey of the area in question to aid in the design
• A concept for implementing active transportation lanes within the study area

• Concepts for the redevelopment of the main tourist area of Balm Beach to improve traffic flow and safety.

The main concept that was explored was the conversion of Tiny Beaches Road and certain side streets to one way traffic. While other methods were considered such as burying utilities, land expropriations, etc. these would be much larger political, legal, and financial burdens for the Township. Staff have included some of the recommendations from RJ Burnside in the 2025 draft budget. These include significant upgrades to culverts serving watercourses crossing Tiny Beaches Road North and Oliver between Balm Beach and Concession 11. A portion of Oliver Road is also being proposed which would be built to the concept provided by RJ Burnside. This section of roadway was already planned for reconstruction in 2025. Further recommendations from RJ Burnside will be integrated into capital budgets starting in 2026 for Council’s consideration.

With regards to the one-way street concepts provided to implement active transportation lanes within the study area, staff plan to include funds in the 2026 Capital Budget Deliberations to do a trial on the corridor between Balm Beach and Concession 11. Based on the feedback received from that trial, the program could either be cancelled or expanded in 2027 to the corridor between Balm Beach and Concession 9.

All items were received as information.

Discussion / Scheduled Deputation – Vanya Gluhic – New Administration Building

There was no discussion, and the deputation was received as information.

Discussion / Scheduled Deputation – Glenna Ritchie – Climate Protection Program – Recommended Withdrawal Councillor Brunelle recommended that the cost of the program be reviewed relative to the need. Council moved that staff be requested to look at the cost impact of this program and reporting back.

Corporate Services Report CS-FIN-14-24 – 2024 Q3 Variance Report. The report was received as information without discussion. It was further approved that the $10 K donation received from Enbridge be allocated to the Climate Action Reserve.

Freedom of Information and Routine Disclosure and Active Dissemination of Municipal Records Policies and Delegation of Approval The report was received, and the formal by-law is to be forwarded to the January 8th Council meeting for approval.

Alternate Voting Method for the 2026 Municipal and School Board Election Clerk Walton outlined the proposed alternative voting methods available for the 2026 elections. Essentially it came down to two options, Internet/Telephone Voting or the Vote by Mail method used since 2006.

There were wide opinions on which method to adopt and it was requested that the item be brought back in the new year to allow for further research and allow for public input.

Official Plan Amendment Application – 890 Sandy Bay Road, Owner, D. Annis and L. Annis The purpose of the application is to change the land use designation on a portion of the subject lands (where there is an existing dwelling and services) from ‘Shoreline’ to ‘Shoreline Exception’ to permit the creation of a residential lot on a private road.

Planning Staff are satisfied that the OPA application conforms to the policies of the Township Official Plan. Based on their analysis, Planning Staff support the application to amend the Township Official Plan to permit lot creation on the subject lands. It is recommended that Official Plan Amendment No.4 be considered for adoption.

The report was received, and council approved the application to move forward.

Draft Plan of Subdivision Application – Westridge Development Corporation (900 County Road 6 South). This is the first such draft plan approved by Tiny Council as previously this would have gone to the County for approval.

The report was received and council approved.


Proposed Motion – Lobbyist Registry (Councillor Walma). Councillor Walma feels it would be beneficial to increasing transparency during the next election. The motion is that Council consider the benefits of a Lobby Registry and directs staff to report back with options using other municipalities’ policies as a template.


  • Paul Cowley on behalf of FoTTSA – Ice Age Grass Impact on Administration Building
  • Solicitor General – Financial Relief for Portion of Municipal OPP Costs and Review of OPP Billing Model Mayor Evans referred to the recent reduction in OPP policing costs and read out the letter of thanks sent to the Solicitor General on behalf of the Township of Tiny.
  • Township of Springwater – Request to Repeal County Council Wage Increase
  • Town of Innisfil – Request to Repeal County Council Wage Increase Items were received as information. NEW BUSINESS Councillor Helowka requested a notice of motion that all electronic devices be banned in council chambers. Clerk Walton noted that this should have come forward in the regular meeting but if council agreed it can be added to the next agenda. Council concurred.