September 1 and 22, 2021
Committee of the Whole Meeting: September 1, 2021: 9:00 a.m. – 2:42 p.m.; September 22, 2021: 9:00 a.m. – 12:48 p.m.
Regular Meeting of Council: September 1, 2021: 6:20 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. and September 22, 2021: 4:00 p.m. – 3:47 p.m. [these are the times reported in the Minutes of this meeting]
On September 1, Deputy Mayor Steffen Walma present at beginning of COW by video until 12, audio till 2:30, then absent. On September 22, Deputy Mayor Walma was absent as was Councillor Tony Mintoff who had resigned his position on September 15.
- Farm Crawl – Saturday, October 16, 2021
- Virtual Tech Workshop: Understanding phone (iPad) plans, October 26, 2021, 10:30 a.m. – 12 noon
- Visit the Township’s COVID-19 webpage at for municipal service impacts and updates
- Tiny Connect – Sign up now at
September 1
DEPUTATION BY 13-YEAR-OLD BEATRIZ BOERI MURRAY: Beatriz spoke about ways that Tiny Township could reduce carbon emissions to help avert possible global extinction because of climate change. She argued that we have worked effectively together to fight COVID and should do the same to deal with climate change. She pointed to the impact of events like the heat bubble in BC and urged that
- Ontario should stop building traditional cars and build electric vehicles instead.
- Tiny Township should use budget surpluses to cut Tiny’s carbon emission by retrofitting government buildings with solar or geothermal power sources and offer grants to families who convert to green energy.
- Wildlife, forests, and water should be protected.
- Tiny should invest in initiatives like farmers’ markets to encourage people to eat locally and celebrate people whose houses and jobs are powered by solar energy.
- Council should measure Tiny’s carbon footprint immediately and set a goal to reduce it.
Council decided to have the Director of Public Works and Deputy Mayor Walma make a presentation to the Youth Advisory Committee regarding initiatives the Township has already taken to reduce carbon emissions.
CONSIDERATIONS FOR TINY OF SIMCOE COUNTY’S MUNICIPAL COMPREHENSIVE REVIEW (MCR): In a memorandum, Jamie Robinson of MHBC Planning explained that, according to the MCR, the Township is required to identify whether the minimum density targets in the County’s Official Plan are appropriate. The current minimum density target for new developments is 32 persons and jobs per hectare or 13 dwelling units, a density that can’t be supported on Tiny’s system of wells and septic systems. Council supported his recommendation that the recommended density be reduced to 12 persons and jobs per hectare
J. BURNSIDE’S PEER REVIEW OF CRH CANADA GROUP INC’S ONTARIO WATER RESOURCES ACT S53 ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLICANCE (ECA) APPLICATION (TEEDON PIT): Burnside pointed to deficiencies in the report and recommended that CRH provide a finalized design of the silt and sump ponds, confirmation that inadvertent discharge would not adversely impact nearby environmentally significant features, a detailed maintenance plan, and additions to one of the drawings.
Council directed staff to recommend to the province that “no decision about the application be made until the applicant satisfies all the outstanding matters” and that “the Ministry … require a liner in any operating retention pond”.
MUNICIPAL BEACH MAPPING: Staff recommended that the Township provide mapping for public beaches on the Township website and explained the various stages of clarifying title and making the result public.
Council directed staff to develop a systematic plan, get started on it, and use colour coding to indicate matters like availability of various amenities.
CROSSWALK CONCESSION 9 West/TBRS: Council supported staff’s recommendation of an alternate design for the painting of the crosswalk in this area. (Staff’s first shot at this some time ago met with opposition from local residents and was removed.) The current proposal would have two crossing areas to accommodate people leaving/returning to the permit parking areas on the north and south sides of Concession 9 West. The preliminary design is to be presented to the Carusoe Bay Association.
SSEA WEATHER STATION FUNDED: Council directed staff to fund the remaining $3,587.91 + HST needed by the Severn Sound Environmental Association to install a weather station in Lafontaine.
LDD (GYPSY MOTH) MANAGEMENT STRATEGY RECOMMENDED BY CHUCK STRADLING: The essence of this thoroughly researched long-term strategy was conveyed by e-mail to the members of Council and key members of staff on August 11, 2021. Stradling was moved to act by Paul Zimmer’s presentation in July. Last year, Stradling, after discovering that the Town of Pelham had enacted a management policy, converted Pelham’s policy into documents and forwarded them to Council, which failed to act on the advice.
For Stradling’s letter see Correspondence in the Committee of the Whole Agenda for September 1, 2021. The information in Stradling’s letter is to be referred to the special meeting regarding LDD once egg counts have been done.
COUNCIL MEETING SCHEDULE: Council decided to continue a 3-week meeting rotation until the end of the year, namely October 13, November 3, November 24, December 15. Budget meetings are to occur on November 10 and December 15.
COUNCILLOR TONY MINTOFF RESIGNS: At a September 20 Special Meeting, Council discussed what to do in the light of Councillor Tony Mintoff’s resignation on September 15. The clerk informed them that he could be replaced by appointment or by a by-election. Given that only a year remains in the current term of Council and that a by-election is expensive, they decided to fill the vacancy by appointment. The vacancy will be advertised, applications reviewed and presentations by applicants heard and discussed in the first week of November to have the new person on board before budget discussions begin on November 10.
In commenting on the resignation, Mayor George Cornell said “Tony was a hardworking and dedicated advocate for the residents of the Township. On behalf of Council and all the residents of the Township, we appreciate his contributions not only as an elected official, but also in his extensive career as a fire fighter including his seven years as Fire Chief for our Township. All of Council and staff wish Tony all the best in the next chapter of his life.”
September 22
INTEGRITY COMMISSIONER’S ANNUAL REPORT: This interesting document emphasized that the popular view is that “the role of the integrity commissioner is primarily to hold elected officials to account; to investigate alleged transgressions and to recommend ‘punishment’.” Rather “integrity commissioners serve as an independent resource, coach, and guide, focused on enhancing the municipality’s ethical culture.” Over 40 Ontario municipalities and public bodies have appointed integrity commissioners. In the last year or so, there were only three requests for advice from Tiny Township. Also, when the Commissioners reviewed the single complaint that was filed, they “determined that no contravention of the Code of Conduct was found to exist, on the facts as alleged”.
CENTRE BEACH ROAD SPEED: The posted speed is to be 30 km/hr.