Report on Council: July 25, 2011

Report on Council: July 25, 2011
Committee of the Whole Meeting: 9:00 am – 4:25 pm (confidential / closed session 2:24-4:07 pm)
Public Meeting under the Planning Act: 7:00 pm – 7:12 pm
Regular Evening Meeting: 7:12 pm – 7:25 pm
Mayor Millar, Deputy Mayor Lawrence, Councillors Claire, Warren and Wishart present

Trails and Active Transportation Master Plan
John McMullen presented the final draft of the Trails and Active Transportation Master Plan which included the active transportation component, motorized trail uses, community consultation events, as well as identifying trails and user types and major destinations.
Staff was directed to forward the final Trails and Active Transportation Master Plan to the Community Recreation Committee, the Historical and Heritage Committee and the Champlain Commemoration Committee for comment. Moved by Wishart, seconded by Warren, carried 5-0

Water Consumption
H. Blom, Manager of Public Works, provided the Committee with an update regarding water consumption. Due to the heat and dry conditions, Mr. Blom implemented a Township wide watering ban on July 18, 2011. Too much water was being drawn from the municipal water systems creating a danger of depleting the water supply for fire protection. It was noted that the Wyevale water reservoir has been depleted three times, with the Bluewater system also running dangerously low. Water sprinkler systems were mentioned as a big part of the problem.

Community/Seniors’ Centre in Georgian Bay Estates shelved
Councillors discussed the presentation by Steve Coffey on behalf of the Sawlog Bay Association at the July 11, 2011 meeting regarding concerns with a Community/Seniors’ Centre in Georgian Bay Estates. They noted that a formal business plan for a Community/Seniors’ Centre would be required before consideration is given to the matter.

Draft Noise Control By-law
Steve Harvey, Chief Municipal Law Enforcement Officer, reported on a draft noise by-law. Councillors discussed the challenges of enforcing the existing by-law because By-law Officers lack the equipment to quantify the noise. By-law tends not to use such equipment because it has to be calibrated each time, a qualified person has to calibrate it (which entails training costs) and they have to be able to verify that the noise they captured was the same noise that presented the problem if it goes to court. The Committee directed staff to prepare a report regarding a quantitative approach to the noise by-law for 2012 budget consideration. Moved by Wishart, Seconded by Warren that By-law 11-065, be presented for formal consideration. Carried 5-0 (474/11)

OMB Appeal/McMahan Woods Development Ltd.
As a result of the Township not making a decision on their subdivision application within the Planning Act requirement of 180 days, McMahan Woods Development filed an appeal to the OMB on Nov. 4, 2010. The Committee discussed correspondence received from Mr. David White, solicitor for McMahan Woods Development Ltd., inquiring as to whether the Township will be represented at the upcoming OMB Pre-hearing Conference.
Moved by Warren, seconded by Wishart, that Council directs staff to retain its legal counsel, Burgar Rowe, regarding legal and planning representation at the Pre- Hearing Conference; and that the designated legal and planning representation be invited to attend the August 8, 2011 Committee of the Whole Meeting to discuss the matter. Carried 4-1. (In June Councillors voted 3-2 to not approve the subdivision application.)

Pay Duty Officers at Woodland Beach
Council discussed an inquiry from the Woodland Beach Association regarding the possibility of hiring pay duty officers at their expense to patrol the beach. Council directed that the Woodland Beach Association be advised to submit a written request for consideration at a future Committee of the Whole. Moved by Lawrence, Seconded by Claire Carried 5-0

Official Plan Amendment Meeting
Council passed an OPA to create one residential lot in Part Lot 13, Concession 4E (PT. 1, 51R-15154)