Report on Council:
August 26, 2013
Committee of the Whole Meeting: 9:00 am –12:14pm
Confidential Closed Session: 11:05am-11:14am
Regular Meeting: 7:00 pm- 7:30
Mayor Millar, Deputy Mayor Lawrence, Councilors Warren, Wishart, Claire
Special Permit to Remove Trees/Peter Hnayda Part Lot 18, Concession 11W (Pt 1, 51R-17745)
The Committee reviewed the Planning and Development Report from Shawn Persaud, Manager of Planning & Development regarding a letter from the County of Simcoe with respect to an application for a special permit to remove trees on Part of Lot 18, Concession 11 West. Shaun has recommended that Council direct staff to forward a Planning and Development report to the County of Simcoe recommending that prior to the County considering a permit it should ensure that the removal of trees will not negatively impact on the natural features or ecological functions of the land under consideration. Simcoe has the staff to carry out an environmental assessment and should seek out the advice of their Planning and Development department before considering a permit.
Water Ban
There has been some confusion with the wording of the signs so Public Works will reword the signs using the word “watering” and indicate that it applies only to those on municipal water systems.
Huronia Economic Alliance (HEA)/Update
Robert J. Lamb, County of Simcoe/Economic Development Wes Crown, Town of Midland
An alliance of Midland, Penetanguishene, Tiny and Tay Townships is working with public and private sectors to build economic capacity. The Alliance realized at an early stage that the scope and magnitude of issues necessitated a10 year Economic Development and Tourism Plan to be able to put the foundations in place and to prioritize actions based on the needs of the municipalities. Consultants Miller, Dickinson, Blais were hired and in June 2011, 38 recommendations were put forward. The four pillars of the plan are: building an educated workforce, assisting in changing the manufacturing base; developing four season tourism and investing in Healthcare, Institutional, and agricultural bioscience. They have redesigned the website, gearing it towards economic development; providing statistical data and a search directory of businesses. The Alliance has designed marketing pieces, including a new lure sheet. They have undertaken a labor market study and are examining how to match shortages with training to meet the labor needs within Huronia. They are looking at how to attract New Canadians with investment opportunities. In the area of agriculture they are working with Simcoe County Partnership Alliance, Farm Fresh, Federation of Agriculture and others. They are looking at a food distribution hub study. The Alliance is producing a regional Health and Wellness Strategy in partnership with Barrie and Orillia. They have received funding from the province to do a Simcoe County Cultural Study and are working on the feasibility of developing a Manufacturing Association to exchange ideas and create solutions. They also sit on the steering committee for developing a new Simcoe County 10 year affordable housing strategy. The Alliance works with the local CFDC office to deliver business training programs and work with the South Muskoka Workforce development Board to examine the development of central employment aggregation website for Simcoe County. They are working with Venture Lab to expand their business development service provision into Simcoe County and sit on the South Simcoe Business Links Committee. They are also coordinating with Orillia, Barrie, Lakehead University and Georgian College on the 3rd Innovation for a Greater Central Ontario event. They helped to send individuals from Barrie and 7 local businesses to the Global Petroleum Show in Calgary to pick up business leads and innovative ideas.
It has become evident that in order to attract new business opportunities the municipalities have to do the leg work, have contacts, planning, zoning and an infrastructure in place so they can respond quickly when a business comes to research a location. Twenty percent of Tiny and Tay residents work in manufacturing yet there is no manufacturing in these municipalities.
Co-Ownership Agreement/Township of Tiny/Cawaja Property owners Association, report by Jim McIntosh, Barriston Law
Part of the discussion took place in closed session with respect to “Advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege,” regarding the Co-Ownership Agreement/Cawaja Property owners Association. However the discussion with respect to the staff report and draft agreement took place in open session.
Heritage Advisory Committee – Township Archaeological Heritage Management Plan.
Staff brought forward a draft resolution to the Regular Meeting to invite John Raynor to present an overview of the management plan at a future Council meeting.
Ontario Heritage Trust/2013 Community Leadership Program Nomination
Staff brought forward a draft resolution to the Regular Meeting to endorse and support the nomination of Lyn Downer to the 2013 Community Leadership Program for his contribution towards protecting and preserving the history of the Township of Tiny.
Closed Meeting Investigator/Ontario Ombudsman/Notice of Motion
Councilor Claire expressed concerns regarding the service of the Ontario Ombudsman with respect to a recent complaint. He submitted a written Notice of Motion to the Committee members at today’s Regular Committee of the Whole for discussion at the Regular Meeting of Council regarding the Closed Meeting Investigator/Ontario Ombudsman. Doug Luker, CAO/Clerk, read Section 14 of the Procedural By-law outlining the process when submitting a Notion of Motion. A discussion took place whether or not Councilor Claire could be allowed to submit the Notice of Motion during the Regular Committee meeting and to subsequently have the matter discussed at the Regular Meeting in essence waiving the procedural by-law. Councilor Wishart pointed out that the Committee should proceed correctly and in accordance with the by-law.
Confidential/Closed Session
At this time, the Committee agreed to consider the draft co-ownership agreement between the Township of Tiny and the Cawaja Property owners Association with Jim McIntosh, Barriston Law.Following the closed session, the Committee agreed to consider the confidential staff report and draft agreement in open session.
Draft Co-Ownership Agreement/Cawaja Property owners Association/Tiny
The Committee considered Confidential Clerk’s Report regarding a draft Co-Ownership Agreement between the Township of Tiny and the Cawaja Property owners Association. The Committee agreed to give the public an opportunity to comment on the draft agreement for consideration at a future Council meeting.
Staff brought forward a draft resolution at the Regular Meeting to direct staff to post the staff report and draft agreement on the Township Website for public review and comments, to include the documents on the September 9′, 2013 Regular Committee of the Whole agenda for information and to include the same documents along with the comments received on the September 30′, 2013 Regular Committee of the Whole agenda for discussion