Report on Council for January 14 and 30, 2019
Announcements, Cannabis & Smoking, Bill 66, Doors Open Ontario, Aggregate Extraction, Free Parking Permits, Budget, Council & Staff Compensation Review, Items for Further Discussion [more]
Announcements, Cannabis & Smoking, Bill 66, Doors Open Ontario, Aggregate Extraction, Free Parking Permits, Budget, Council & Staff Compensation Review, Items for Further Discussion [more]
REPORT ON COUNCIL: May 26, 2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting: 9:00 am –11:13am Confidential Closed Session: N/A Regular Meeting: 7:00 pm – 8:07pm Mayor Millar, Deputy Mayor Lawrence, Councilors Warren, Wishart, Claire Discussion/Oral Submission Concession 4 East Dam Council discussed the presentation by Ms. Anne Ritchie Nahuis. Mayor Millar [more]
Simcoe County Council Approved Budget; Darren Vella Innovative Planning Solutions; OPP Proposed Billing Model; Severn Sound Environmental Association Annual report 2013 and Requests 2014;John Raynor Archaeological Managemnt Plan; Neil Roberts Asset Management Plan; Delineation of Township-Owned Property/Concession 5W [more]
Crown Reserve/Wymbolwood Beach; Southern Georgian Bay OPP Quarterly Report; Boundaries Act and Surveys Matters; Disposition of Wyebridge Public School; Severn Sound Environmental Association Costs, Contributions; Comments re: Tiny-Cawaja Co-ownership Agreement; Proposed By-Law-Speed Limit Conc.4 E and Mertz Corner Rd; County Council Update; Pre-Budget Approval/Consultat’s/Building Permit Fee Structure; Proposed By-Law re: Setting of Open Fires; [more]
Ontario Trillium Funding Champlain Commemorations 2015; Mr. Roger Neal, Beach Access Permit; Mr. Dominic Mifsud-Property Fence Damage; Canada Day Long Weekend Activity Report; By-Law 2″ Quarter Activity Report; Financial Report as of June 30, 2013; Discussion/Requests for Signage; County Council Updates; Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Conference – June 2013; North Simcoe Heads of Council Meeting; Heritage Advisory Committee/Staff Assistance/ Recollections Publication; Woodland Beach Property Owners Assocation regarding request for paid duty for Woodland Beach [more]
Don McNalty Burnside Update on Municipal Drain #2 Woodland Municipal Drainage; By-Law Update; Waste Management; Severn Sound Environmental Association; Fill Control By-Law; Disposal of Septage; Huronia Economic Alliance Economic Action Plan for Healthcare; [more]
Septage Management Class Environmental Study Update; Skate Park Funded by Trillium Foundation Grant; Correction of the Peek-A-Boo Trail Roadway Extension Survey; Township Charity Golf Tournament; J. McIntosh, Barriston Law/Acquisition of Land; County Council Update; Appointment of Keith Sherman as Township’s Clean Water Act Risk Management Officer; Accessibility Revisions to the Bluewater Beach Park Boardwalk [more]
Severn Sound Environmental Association 2012 Review; New 2013 Recreation and Related Fees and Affordable Recreation By-law; Audio Recordings of Council Meetings; By-law to Address Environmental and Financial Impacts of Wind Farm Developments; Septage Management Class EA Study/Phases 3 and 4; Final Draft 2013 Municipal Budget; Road Conditions in the Sawlog Bay area; County of Simcoe Invited to Explain New Waste Management Program; [more]
Council Meeting Schedule for 2013; Proposed Audio Recording Procedure; Discussion of Oral Submission from AWARE Simcoe re Conservation Authority; Invasive Species Management Report; Emergency Services Activity Report for October, 2012 [more]
International Joint Commissioner IJC Hearing; Water Quality in Farlain Lake; Historical Designation of Concession 2E Bridge; Trent Severn Waterway and Rideau Canal; County Council Update; Three Way Stop Sign for the Intersection of TBRS and Lawson Road; Community Infrastructure Investment Fund Initiative; Modification of the Boardwalk at Bluewater Beach Park [more]
The Federation of Tiny Township Shoreline Associations