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Tiny Cottager Articles


ROUNDABOUT THE ASSOCIATIONS BLUEWATER DUNES RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION – held their General Meeting on Sunday, May 23rd at 10:00 a.m. BLUEWATER GEORGINA WENDAKE BEACHES ASSOCIATION – is having their Annual Meeting at 10:00 a.m. on July 4th at the Bayshore Seniors Hall. CEDAR POINT COTTAGERS ASSOCIATION – executive met May 16th [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles


RESTRUCTURING: ROSS HASTINGS BETRAYS TINY VOTERS What is this “Restructuring” anyway? “Restructuring” of Simcoe County was promoted by the Provincial government in early 1990 and later accepted by Tiny Council. The aim was to “improve” services by consolidating some municipalities and altering boundaries in others. A major study was presented for [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles


PAUZE DUMP UPDATE Background: The Pauze Dump was the site of a massive disposal of industrial and other types of chemical waste from 1966 – 1980. In 1981, the dumpsite and nearby illegal dumping in and around the area just east of Perkinsfield and Simcoe County Road 9 was discovered to [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles

North Simcoe Dumpsite May Come To Tiny After All

North Simcoe Dumpsite May Come To Tiny After All “Site 41” is a 150-acre parcel of farmland near Wyevale, chosen three years ago by the North Simcoe Waste Management Authority for a new landfill site. Initially, the site was expected to serve the needs of six municipalities, with possible licensing [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles


LEAKS FROM THE LOCAL FIREHALL Firefighting equipment in Tiny Township is showing the ravages of its age and decades of poor Council planning practices. A program of replacement should be seriously considered, according to Councillor Doug Taylor. Five firehalls serve the Tiny Township area, located in Wyevale, Wyebridge, Woodland Beach, [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles


GYPSY MOTH UPDATE After experiencing the destruction of the gypsy moth, many Tiny Township residents are asking, “What do we do this year?” Our association has deferred gypsy moth control for 1993. Our reasons for doing so were (a) egg mass counts were minimal and (b) we had virtually no [more]

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The Environment


ECOFARMS: ALTERNATIVE TO DUMPS? The Pauze Dump was sold in March, 1992, to local entrepreneur Randy Markham who hopes to “mine” it for recyclables. Markham’s company, EcoFarms Incorporated, is looking for funding to set up a major facility at the site which would recycle 95% of all waste from municipal [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles

Why a Newsletter

Why a Newsletter We all come to Georgian Bay for peace and tranquility, “to get away” from the pressures of the city. But things are changing. Today there are some real threats to the way of life many Tiny Township property owners enjoy. But instead of getting angry about individual [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles


TINY WATCH The new council began its term December 1991 and has since dealt with many issues: • A new Stream Protection Policy was adopted to stop the destruction of water courses by development. • Decisions were made to discontinue: The Economic Development Committee The French Language Advisory Committee The [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles

Tiny Election Review – Facts & Figures

Tiny Election Review – Facts & Figures –  In the November 1991 municipal elections, major issues were at stake. Restructuring of Simcoe County will have a dramatic impact on property taxes in Tiny Township, and was strong opposed by cottagers and the Federation; the MNR lawsuit could result in the [more]