FoTTSA Reports on Tiny Council Meetings January 31, 2024 and February 21, 2024
Regular Council Meeting Wednesday January 31, 2024
The Mayor, Deputy Mayor and three Councillors were in attendance at the meeting.
Deputation: N. Leblovic
Mr. Leblovic addressed Council regarding the proposed new Procedure By-law. He expressed concern about a possible reduction/elimination in the open deputation process at the Committee of the Whole meeting noting that this would result in limiting and adversely affecting the rights and opportunities of the public to make deputations to Council. Mr. Leblovic relayed his suggestions with respect to any proposed changes to the deputation process.
Procedural Bylaw
Councillor Walma commented that he was in favor of the recommendation by Mr. Leblovic to increase the number of hours dedicated to deputations. The Clerk advised that this could be included in the draft report coming forward February 21st CoW.
Remuneration of Council
Council discussed the fact that the previous Council attempted to establish a public committee to address remuneration but with no success. Councillors felt that in order to attract younger councillors, job protection for those who work full time would be beneficial.
Position Current Proposed
Mayor $42,230.82 $43,075.44
Deputy Mayor $31,673.55 $32,307.02
Councillor $27,449.75 $27,998.75
Septage Disposal
It was determined through a study that upgrades to the Midland WWTC are required to continue to handle the receiving and processing of septage. In the report it was determined that Midland will no longer accept septage from communities outside of Midland commencing March 6, 2024.
Currently Tiny accounts for 59% of the septage being processed in the WWTC. Typically, septic tanks can be pumped and spread on approved fields during the summer/warmer months and not during winter. This will have an impact on pumping requirements for holding tanks, septic tanks, porta potties and marine waste.
Public Works recommended that Council work with Midland Council to request a 3 month extension on the receiving of Tiny Septage at the Midland WWTC so that options and solutions can be investigated and presented back to Council at a future date. The extension will also allow the field applications to start and not place financial pressures on some residents and also ensure the proper studies are completed.
Committee of the Whole Meeting Wednesday January 31, 2024
The Mayor, Deputy Mayor and three Councillors were in attendance at the meeting. Deputy Mayor Miskimins in the Chair.
A number of deputations were made relative to deferring the installation of the Rogers Tower on Cedar Point Road. All dealt with Electro Hyper Sensitivity (EHS) and its impacts on human health and the environment. Although some very impressive information was presented, Mayor Evans felt this was not an issue that Tiny should be expected to take on. He also felt it was unrealistic to dump this on Tiny to lead the charge. He was more concerned with residents who do not have cell service.
Scheduled Deputation: Rogers Telecom Tower Request
Jay Lewis of F.B. Connect presented a report on the proposed tower on Cedar Point Road addressing some of the resident’s concerns and requested a letter of concurrence. Councillor Brunelle questioned whether the tower met the criteria for distance from the on-site residence. The acting Town Planner advised that she could not confirm but that the owner had signed a release with Rogers.
Rogers Cell Tower at Cedar Point Road
Staff advised that the tower proposed meets Township policy guidelines regarding land use planning. It was pointed out that it is the Federal Govt. that approves the installation.
Councillor Brunelle requested a decision be deferred given the level of concern brought forward citing a similar decision by Penetanguishene Council.
Council approved moving forward with a letter of concurrence and requested that F.B. Connect provide a presentation to Council on Feb. 21st with respect to EHS.
New Municipal Building
Councillor Brunelle asked whether there was discussion at the most recent New Township Hall Building Committee about a review of its membership for example including resident representation. CAO Lamb indicated that it was discussed and it was decided to leave as is.
He also asked why the public was not invited to the committee meetings. CAO Lamb and Councillor Walma were emphatic that it was not appropriate for the public to be involved with a working committee.
Regular Council Meeting Wednesday February 21, 2024
The Mayor and three Councillors were in attendance at the meeting. Deputy Mayor Miskimins absent.
Councillor Helowka advised of the mandates imposed by the provincial government in 2018 related to asset and infrastructure management.
Open Deputations
Irene Lowe – Cedar Point Telecom Tower
Ms. Lowe raised concern with Council’s lack of consideration for the deputations made by experts and professionals on the health impacts of the tower and requested Council reconsider before signing the letter of concurrence.
Arlene Marchildon – Cedar Point Telecom Tower
Ms. Marchildon noted the tower was on the path of a snowmobile trail and ice falling could cause serious injury. She requested that the health and safety concerns be further investigated.
Scheduled Deputation: W. Madill Property Access Fees
Ms. Madill requested a reduction in the fee being charged regarding a private street means of access. Had they been aware that rates would double to $2,000.00 after December 31st they would certainly have arranged to meet with the Planning Dept. in December.
Council will take the matter under consideration.
Telecom Tower – Cedar Point Road
Councillor Brunelle attempted once again to try and have the decision on the Telecom Tower deferred pending further investigation but was unsuccessful. Although supported by Councillor Helowka, Mayor Evans and Councillor Walma voted against.
Subsequently in a motion staff was directed to provide FB Connect with a Letter of Concurrence confirming the completion of the local consultation process for telecommunications towers with 3-1 support.
By-law Number 24-012
This bylaw was to confirm that Maryann Hunt, MCIP RPP, was hired by the Township of Tiny on Monday, January 29, 2024, as the Director of Planning and Development. She replaces Shawn Persaud who resigned over a year ago.
Vehicle Purchases
The following was submitted by the Department of Public Works for purchase approval:
Roads – 3/4 Ton Pickup – $88,000
Administrative Vehicle – $42,500
Building – AWD Hybrid Crossover – $50,000
STR Oversight – AWD Hybrid Crossover – $50,000
Water Department – Pickup Truck – $60,000
Recreation – Minivan – $40,000
Council approved.
Committee of the Whole Meeting Wednesday February 21, 2024
The Mayor and three Councillors were in attendance. Deputy Mayor Miskimins absent, Councillor Brunelle in the Chair.
Deputation: K. Zulynik – Re: New Municipal Bldg. Committee Charter / Petitions
Ms. Zulynik pointed out that the revised building charter does not reflect the new name of the committee.
With regards to petitions she suggested a few changes such as including space for individual comments.
SSEA Update on Local Climate Change Action Plan – Jon Main, Sustainability and Climate Action Coordinator, Severn Sound Environmental Association
Mr. Main presented the report on Sustainable Severn Sound Special Project – The 2024 Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) is a program offered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) and ICLEI. The project is a collaborative between the 8 SSEA members: Midland, Penetanguishene, Tay, Tiny, Severn, Oro-Medonte, Georgian Bay and Springwater. This plan promotes environmental sustainability, community wellbeing, and economic prosperity.
Noted was Tiny’s Community Energy Snapshot
Transportation is a significant portion of Tiny’s Green House Gas (GHG) baseline – 56%
Buildings – Residential and Commercial contributes to 34%
Buildings – use both electricity and heating fuels (Natural Gas/Propane).
Waste – 10% of the GHG baseline
Karen Zulynik – New Administration Office Building Petition with Comments
Mayor Evans requested that the petition and comments as submitted by Karen Zulynik be included on a future Administrative Centre Committee Meeting agenda for consideration.
LASHA Letter to Council – 2024 Taxes
Communication to Council in part reads “Given that the current budget has been approved, we would request that Council acknowledge that this increase will have a significant impact on residents given the current economic conditions. And further, we would urge that once the 2023 budget surplus or any unexpected grants are known, they be applied to reducing the proposed increase when setting the final tax rate.”
The letter was received as information.