FoTTSA Reports on Tiny Council Meetings January 10, 2024

Regular Council Meeting Wednesday January 10th, 2024

The Mayor, Deputy Mayor and two Councillors were in attendance at the Regular Council and Committee of the Whole meetings. Councillor Walma was absent

Open Deputations

1. Karen Zulynik – New Municipal Building and Tax Increase

Following a public protest outside the Council Chambers by 200 residents, Karen Zulynik made an open deputation advising that a petition with the support of 879 residents was submitted to the Township on January 8, 2024, in opposition to the proposed new municipal building. Ms. Zulynik noted the petition was started due to the lack of clear and convincing evidence that a new building is necessary and its financial viability. In addition, concerns were expressed about the lack of transparency, insufficient public information, the lack of public engagement and the resultant tax increase.

Mayor Evans provided some additional information in response to the deputation

2. Stewart Strathearn – Regulation of the Discharge of Firearms

Stewart Strathearn addressed Council regarding the proposed regulation of the discharge of firearms providing an overview of current laws in place regulating the ownership and discharge of firearms, including the severity of penalties for non-compliance.

Ontario Land Tribunal Appeal of Committee of Adjustment Decision for Minor Variance Application 

A Minor Variance application was submitted to the Committee of Adjustment which included a total of four (4) variances. Three of the variances were approved by the Committee and one was denied. It was noted that Township Planning staff recommended approval of all of the Minor Variances in the application.

 An Appeal was received from the owner of the property, of the Committee’s decision, specifically the refusal of the variance for the Reduced Setback to the 178 metre Elevation to Georgian Bay.

Mayor Evans stated that this is a direct attack on the interim control bylaw and, contrary to the staff recommendation, the Township must take a role in this hearing.  Council supported the mayor’s position and staff were directed to proceed with representation at the OLT Hearing.

Subsequent to this meeting, the OLT advised that the applicant had withdrawn his appeal.

Flag Raising

A request was put forward by Crime Stoppers of Simcoe Dufferin Muskoka for Councils consideration to proclaim January as “Crime Stoppers Month” and to fly the Crime Stoppers flag during the month of January. Council approved the request with Councillor Brunelle opposing.

Of note, at the 9th of August 2023 meeting of Council, Mayor Evans brought forward a notice of motion that he and the Clerk develop a policy that would streamline the proclamation/flag raising process. To date there has been no sign of this policy.

Committee of the Whole Meeting Wednesday January 10th, 2024.

Proposed new Procedure By-law 22-012

As both Regular meetings and Committee of the Whole occur in the evening, back-to-back, it has been identified that the current Deputation process requires a review to create efficiencies and to avoid the confusion the current format creates.

In both Regular meetings and CoW, Scheduled Deputations are 10 minutes in length, on one subject matter with no more than 2 per meeting and Open Deputations must address one subject matter on the current agenda, are 5 minutes in length with a total time allotted of 20 minutes.

The proposed new procedure would eliminate the Deputations at the CoW meeting.
No decision is made the evening of the deputations, with the matter referred to the subsequent Committee of the Whole Meeting for further discussion/consideration.
Additionally it was proposed that the Procedure By-law specifically outline the potential course of action with respect to Deputations including the following:
· Refer the matter to staff for a report;
· Refer the matter to future budget deliberations; or
· Take no action – received as information.

Council directed staff to proceed with drafting the new bylaw.

Cultural Alliance in the Heart of Georgian Bay

Council approved the new Terms of Reference for the Cultural Alliance in the Heart of Georgian Bay