Council Updates
Council met on August 9th & 30th – Committee of the Whole (CoW) and Regular Meetings of Council. The Mayor, Deputy Mayor and three Councillors were in attendance at all meetings. Councillor Walma participated in the August 30th Regular meeting of Council by telephone.
Council Meeting August 9th, 2023
New Communications Officer
Council was introduced to a new full-time employee, Jacqueline Brown, Communications Officer.
Telephone System Replacement
The Township of Tiny currently has an obsolete, over 25-year-old and end of life on-premises phone system, that provides the basic phone services to staff and to the community it serves.
According to staff, the current phone system has several limitations. The Perry Group was hired to research and analyze the Township’s communications current and future requirements. In May, the new IT Coordinator continued this investigation and recommended that the Township move towards an advanced cloud-based solution. A review of service providers and cloud-based phone system solutions was undertaken, and a recommendation was brought to Senior Management for final review.
The solution recommended to Council is for the Township to procure a Microsoft Teams Phone solution which provides many benefits over the existing on-premises phone system.
Per the procurement by-law 04-139, Council approval is required to sole source a solution. Staff are requesting that due to the reasons above we move forward with utilizing the Vendor of Record (VOR) (Rogers Inc.) as the partnership between Rogers Business and Microsoft which will allow the Township to capitalize on cost savings.
The Township received funding from the Province in 2022 as part of the Modernization stream to replace the current phone system with one that will serve current and future needs and address staffing growth. No mention was made of the amount received.
A stipulation in the agreement with the Province on receiving the funding is that the project be completed by December 1, 2023. With Council’s approval, Staff plan to implement the solution in October.
Funds for this project have been allocated in the 2023 budget in the amount of $65,000. which is sufficient to cover consulting, implementation, transition, and hardware costs to outfit the entire organization.
Annual operating costs are expected to be $6,500 and will be added to future operating budgets.
Council approved moving forward.
Notice of Motion
Mayor Evans recommended that flag raising requests not be brought to Council and that the policy be revised to provide delegation of this responsibility to staff. To be discussed at a future meeting of the committee of the whole.
Committee of the Whole August 9th, 2023
(Deputy Mayor Miskimins in the Chair)
By-law enforcement report
Resident Germaine Muller of 9 Albion Lane seemed to be requesting clarification of the STR by-law reporting process, interpretation and requirements. She agreed to formalize her concerns. Councillor Walma suggested that she set up a meeting to discuss her questions and concerns with staff.
Building Permit Activity – Second Quarter
Permits Construction Value
2022 2023 2022 2023
390 266 $27,170,441 $27,090,660
Building Permit Activity – Year to Date
Permits Construction Value
2022 2023 2022 2023
528 413 $34,826,641 $42,603,740
Mayor Evans commented on the increased construction values of the permits which could lead to increased operating costs for the municipality.
Toanche Pavilion Update
A grant application was submitted and approved for this project in 2021. It involves the installation of a pavilion and ice pad like that at Lafontaine Park. A public meeting will be held for input into the overall park master plan.
Mayor Evans also suggested that consideration be given to a dog park to discourage use of the existing baseball diamond.
Update by staff on the Goessman Lots
To Councillor Walma’s inquiry about a status update on Council direction regarding the Goessman Lots, CAO Lamb advised that background information has been compiled by Jim McIntosh, Barriston Law LLP. A report will be coming forward for consideration in the near future.
Regular Council Meeting August 30th, 2023
The Master Plan Class Environmental Assessment for the Supply and Treatment of Municipal Drinking public information session (PIC) is available on YouTube.
Town Hall Meeting – Thursday, October 19, 2023, 7:00 – 9:00 p.m., Wyebridge Community Centre
2024 Budget Public Survey is closing August 31.
Mayor’s Ad Hoc Task Force on Community Wellness
Apparently there has been little take-up on the mayor’s proposed task force with the application deadline extended to 12 noon on Friday, September 1, 2023.
Vlad Mueller
The resident requested that the only government flags be flown on municipal property and that other flags should not be allowed as they are divisive, confusing, counter productive, undermine collective credibility and put Council in the difficult position of determining which causes merit support.
Overdose Awareness Day
Lori St. Amant requested that the “Overdose Awareness Day” flag be raised on August 31st once again to acknowledge the community and global overdose epidemic.
Council indicated that the issue of flag raising was currently under consideration and the current Council was not bound by past Council approvals. As such, the proclamation of Overdose Awareness Day and raising of the flag was not approved.
Marriage Commissioner
The Township of Tiny passed a by-law engaging the services of Cynthia Bonneville for the provision of Civil Marriage Solemnization Services as delegated by the Township Clerk in accordance with the Municipal Act and the Marriage Act.
Committee of the Whole August 30th, 2023
Ms. Lynn Moon Re: Alcohol in Public Parks
Lynn Moon, Chair of the Senior Advisory Committee voiced the Committee’s concerns relating to this initiative.
David Christie – New Municipal Building
Resident Mr. Christie suggested that the current facility could be expanded upon at the current location and there was no need to spend $15 million to construct a new facility in another location.
Request to Waive Rental Fees Wyebridge Community Centre
Helen Kirouac explained that a group of women living in Wyebridge are looking for a space to continue their weekly gatherings through the fall and winter and would like to have approval to use the boardroom and kitchen, for only two hours a week, in the Wyebridge Community Centre without charge. This is a small informal group of women either widowed, retired, caregivers to a family member, or in need of some social contact. Their mandate is to welcome all.
Council will consider the request and provide a response at the September 20th Committee of the Whole meeting.
Bruce Pinchin, Shoreplan Engineering Limited – Jackson Park Coastal Assessment
Mr. Pinchin outlined the study of the dynamic shoreline around the Jackson Beach Park boat launch and provided recommendations for keeping the launch operational during high water years when the Township needs to perform dredging due to the downdrift of beach sand and during low water years when there is minimal water depth at the launch.
The study included:
– Review of the existing condition of the breakwater
– A Hydrographic survey
– A study of sediment transport in the area and its effect on the boat launch.
This included looking at the effects of inshore and outshore wave climate, the lake water level, and the outlet of the creek to the south of the site.
– A Review of the Natural Heritage and Environmental components of the area which will inform future options for the boat launch.
– Options for modifications to the break wall and boat launch or the construction of other shoreline structures to ensure the long-term viability of the boat launch and beach area at the park with high level estimates of the cost.
– Recommendations for additions to the park to make the boat launch more environmentally responsible. This included looking at items such as fuelling and cleaning stations.
Council moved to receive the presentation and the Public Works report as information to support future Operational and Capital costs for the Jackson Park boat ramp.
Sid Vander Veen, R.J. Burnside & Associates – Overview of Drainage Law
Mr. Vander Veen outlined the law specific to drainage – natural water courses verses surface water. Natural water has banks and is naturally flowing. Many agencies regulate it but none are responsible for correcting it. (eg. Beaver Dams). Surface water is water that accumulates due to land elevations. These are normally handled using mutual agreement drains (contracts between adjacent landowners) and more commonly, petition drains which are municipal infrastructure managed by the municipality.
Mr. Vander Veen went on to outline the Petition Drain Process.
Tiny Township Drains
Drain #2 (Woodland Beach)
Tiny Marsh Drain (Con. 2)
Tricker Drain (Con. 2)
Draper Branch (Con. 1)
Archers Branch (Con. 1)
White Branch (Con. 1)
Marion Drain (Con.2 West of Baseline)
Pilon Drain (Ossossane Beach)
Request for Drainage Superintendent
Staff reported that due to changes in weather patterns there has been increased frequency and severity of weather events resulting in flooding in both summer and winter months.
In addition, residential development in Tiny has increased and impacted in two ways. Many small cottages have been transformed into large dwellings with associated landscaping and hardscaping. And previously vacant properties that provided relief for water absorption are now being built-up with large dwellings, landscaping and hardscaping. These two factors along with climate change have had an impact on the drainage network.
Staff are recommending that, subject to the Drainage Act, a Drainage Superintendent be hired who would have the ability to perform functions that existing staff are not empowered to do. This includes private property access for full assessments such as tile drain inspections and sources of drainage issues. To be discussed as part of 2024 budget deliberations.
On checking, neither Midland nor Penetang have such a staff position although Tay and Springwater do. Hopefully Council will examine the possibility of sharing the services with an adjacent municipality.
2nd Quarter Variance Report
A detailed analysis and summary of the 2023 Operating and Capital variances compared to the annual budget and compared to Q2 2022 can be found in the August 30 CoW agenda.
Association of Municipalities Ontario Conference
Mayor Evans advised that all five Councillors and spouses attended the recent conference in London Ontario.
Tiny Township had a meeting with Graydon Smith, Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry, his parliamentary assistant, Ric Bresee and Simcoe North MPP Jill Dunlop, about the township’s dynamic shoreline issues and the interim control bylaw.
Township officials also had the opportunity to speak with elected representatives from municipalities along the Great Lakes about water/beach-related issues and the short-term licensing program.
New Municipal Building
After a lengthy speech by Mayor Evans espousing his support for a new building, Council passed a motion instructing the Building Needs Assessment Committee to proceed with the highest scoring site #5, the Water Complex Lands (220 Concession 9 East) and the Adjacent Parcel, as the planned site for a new administrative office.
This was followed by approval by Council to instruct the Building Needs Assessment Committee to proceed with the Construction Manager at Risk methodology and to retain the services of the highest scoring proponent, Lett Architects for the scope of work included in Phase 1 of their proposal.
Dogs in Ballparks
Councillor Walma commented that he is getting numerous complaints about residents using existing ballparks for dog walking and people are not picking up after them. Mayor Evans suggested that more dog parks be considered with lighting and perhaps a shelter area. Councillor Brunelle suggested this be referred to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee for consideration. A motion to this effect was carried.
Streamlining of Approvals under the Aggregate Resources Act
The MNRF reports that after considering feedback, they are moving forward with the expanded list of changes that can be made to existing pit or quarry site plans in Ontario without ministry approval. Staff was directed to prepare a report for a future Committee of the Whole meeting that explores the implications of these legislative changes.