Committee of the Whole: January 12, 2022: 9:02 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Attendance: Mayor George Cornell, Deputy Mayor Steffen Walma and Councillors John Bryant, Cindy Hastings and Gibb Wishart present.
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Don Chapman and Diane Leblovic had been in discussion for some time with the Township’s Recreation Department about a special event they proposed for July 9, 2022 in Balm Beach. This event was to build community and fundraise to enhance the park on Parkside Drive. It would showcase The Desotos Band. Two deputations had been made about this event — Let’s Rock Together. The plan was to have the Township host the event, front all expenses and be the signing authority. Tiny would be repaid from proceeds.
The staff report balked at the Township being asked to assume all risks and liabilities as host of the event. It recommended that Chapman and Leblovic’s group collaborate with a registered not-for-profit or charitable organization which would host the event, front costs and sign contracts. Council agreed with this recommendation, feeling that special events like Busk Till Dusk were already planned for Balm Beach. They noted that what was proposed was a departure from the Township’s usual policy and might set a precedent.
1) DEPUTATION BY MARK VANDERHEYDEN OF PLAN 763, WAHNEKEWENING BEACH: This concerned easements in deeds regarding beach Block A and Wahnekewening Road. The easements grant broad rights of use including the installation of wells. The Township had violated these rights by removing owners’ property and fire pits and now was delineating municipal land with posts on Block A.
2) PROCEDURAL BY-LAW CHANGES: Staff prepared a draft procedural bylaw for discussion. This interesting document, showing the proposed changes in red, is included in the CoW Agenda for February 2.
3) WOODLAND BEACH SHORELINE PARCEL 58409: This land has been used traditionally by back lot cottagers but has recently been claimed by front lot owners. Staff is to help with history and details and to report.
4) TAXATION OF AGGREGATE COMPANIES: In response to an email from Judith Grant of FoTTSA, regarding the way aggregate companies are taxed, staff was asked to look at moves made by other townships that managed to have an industrial rate (rather than the usual 25% rate) applied to gravel pits.
2022 DRAFT BUDGET OVERVIEW: After reviewing a series of adjustments to the budget, Council supported a 5% municipal tax increase. This results in an overall 2.85% increase when blended with the County and the Education portions of the tax rate. These numbers will be finalized once the impact of the year end financials have been considered.