World Water Day – March 22 – If you donate to only one environmental cause this year, make it this one…

Did you know….

  • The water in Tiny Township is not protected by the Clean Water Act. 
  • Aggregate extraction in Tiny Township has increased by more than 60% since 2000.
  • The Sarjeant Company has a license to dig two new gravel pits above the Alliston Aquifer and to extract gravel below the water table at one of them.
  • CRH wants to expand the Teedon Gravel Pit above the Alliston Aquifer. In addition to the potential environmental risks posed by the extraction and washing of gravel so close to the aquifer, the pit running at capacity could mean 40 trucks an hour coming in and out of Tiny Township.
  • The potential impacts to water are so serious that lawyers with the Canadian Environmental Law Association (CELA) are representing FoTTSA pro bono at the LPAT appeal.
  • FoTTSA needs to raise at least $100,000 to cover all the other legal costs including hiring expert witnesses.
Donate Now – Save our Water Legal Fund – click here