OPP and MNRF Remind Residents of Tiny about Coyotes

Members of the Southern Georgian Bay Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) would like to make cottagers, hikers, cross country skiers and rural pedestrians aware that we do share our open spaces and bush areas with numerous members of the wildlife community, including coyotes.

Coyotes can be found in both rural and urban areas in the communities of North Simcoe. Some key points for people who may encounter coyotes are as follows:

·        Do not approach or feed coyotes.

·        Do not try to “tame” a coyote.

·        Secure garbage and minimize attractants on your property.

·        Use deterrents and fences to keep coyotes away from your home and gardens.

·        Keep all pets on leashes or confined to a yard.

Whistles and electronic alarms may frighten away an approaching coyote if encountered by a pedestrian. For those who walk with your family pet, be aware that a cat or dog may be seen as prey by coyotes and an attack may prove fatal or result in serious injuries for the pet.

For further information please visit the following link to Ministry of Natural Resources web site Preventing and Managing Conflicts with Coyotes and Foxes