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Reports on Council: 2010-2014

Report on Council: February 24, 2012

New Fee Schedule for 2012; Proposed Expansion of Broadband Internet Services; Emergency Services Reports CR 29 & Conc. 4W is an Accident Hotspot; Wind Turbine Proposal for Christian Island is not Feasible; Warning Regarding Leaf Borer Infestation; Changes in Champlain Huronia Centre Project Coordination [more]

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Reports on Council: 2010-2014

Report on Council: February 13, 2012

2012 Budget Presentation; Proposed Expansion of Beamish Aggregate Pit; 2011 Septic Re-inspection Program; Planning Amendment for Simcoe in the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe; Georgian Sands and Lafontaine Water Supply Class EA; Implementation of a Parks & Recreation Volunteer Management Program; Balm Beach Private Parking Spots; County Changes to Leaf and Yard Waste Collection [more]