Report on Council: January 30, 2012
Committee of the Whole Meeting: 9:00 am –12:12 am; 12:45 pm – 2:21 pm
Confidential closed session 2:12 pm – 2:24 pm
Regular Meeting: 7:05 pm – 7:41 pm
Deputy Mayor Lawrence, Councillors Claire, Warren and Wishart present,
Mayor Millar absent
Meetings chaired by Deputy Mayor Lawrence in the absence of Mayor Millar
Mandate of Sustainable Severn Sound
Luke Raftis, Sustainability Coordinator, Sustainable Severn Sound provided an overview of the mandate of this new organization. Sustainable Severn Sound is a partnership between all nine municipalities in the Severn Sound watershed as well as the Severn Sound Environmental Association, the Orillia and North Simcoe Community Futures offices, the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit and the County of Simcoe. Its purpose is to help the communities in the watershed implement the goals and action of the Severn Sound Sustainability Plan. For more information refer to
Progress Report on Lafontaine Beach Park Swimmng and Beach Improvements
Judy Sullivan of Aqua Solutions outlined the process for Class EA approval of reducing groynes and re-locating the material in order to improve the beach and near-shore swimming conditions. In October 2011 a meeting was held on site with representatives of the relevant Provincial and Federal agencies, who signified their general agreement with the proposed measures. Michael Davies of Coldwater Consulting Ltd. first reviewed the shoreline restoration project including previous works completed. He then outlined the ongoing work on sediment modeling/analysis, development of design concepts, construction drawings and documentation, and the completion of the Class EA process. He estimated that the cost to finalize the design and EA process would be $74,000, not including construction works. The Councillors reacted favourably to the presentation and were gratified that the consultants working within their timeline.Council approved to keep the project going, for construction 2012 or 2013, depending on budget and physical conditions such as water levels.
Letter of Support for Funding for Development of an AgriTourism Circuit
Denise Baker, Director, Eco-Huronie, provided an overview of the AgriTourism circuit project proposed for the Huronia area. This Circuit would expand the existing range of local markets for farm local products and farm tourism projects. It would further economic development and enrich the tourism experiences in the francophone communities of Southern Georgian Bay. Expanding on the present markets and tourist attractions would have positive economic and social impacts of the project.
Balm Beach and Other Major Beach Redevelopment Projects
Councillor Claire expressed some concerns regarding the scope of the upcoming Balm Beach redevelopment plan and its capital and operating costs. He noted that the township has recently invested in major projects at Woodland Beach, Bluewater Dunes, Jackson Park, and soon Lafontaine Beach. Councillor Gibbs expressed a concern that the township may “be biting off too much to chew”. Councillors also suggested there could be more involvement of the local community in volunteering as well as the staffing of such projects. Council instructed staff to report by the end of February on (a) possibilities for local community involvement and (b) the feasibility of completing so many such projects within current staffing and financial resources.
Beausoleil First Nation Prefeasibility Study for Development of Wind Power Project
Councillor Warren requested that a letter be sent to Beausoleil First Nation asking that the Township be kept informed about the status of the prefeasibility study. Council directed staff to draft such a letter.
Training Session for By-law Staff and OPP on Land Boundaries
On February 21 Council has scheduled a training session for Tiny By-law Enforcement personnel and OPP Officers regarding issues of land boundaries and land ownership issues, particularly along the shoreline. Support persons include an Ontario Land Surveyor and legal counsel. The objective is to clarify their respective responsibilities within lands that are private or public, such as which infractions are a matter for By-law personnel and which for OPP, and which situations may involve joint efforts.Landowners are urged to facilitate the efforts of both the OPP and By-law Department by marking their boundaries.
County Council Options for Waste Management
Deputy Mayor Lawrence provided information on long-range alternatives for waste management in the County that the Waste Management Subcommittee is considering after the cancellation Site 41 Landfill. A recent presentation to this group involved potential solutions and possible partnerships from Barrie, Orillia and Dufferin County. Dufferin is considering a $75 Million energy-from-waste project, but Ontario will only consider such projects when a 70% rate of recycling is achieved.
Workshop on Proposed Amendment to the Greater Golden Horseshoe Growth Plan
Deputy Mayor Lawrence and Councillor Claire attended the above workshop on January 19, 2012 at the Nottawasaga Inn Resort & Conference Centre. At the workshop, Minister Chiarelli outlined how the Province will help address the unique challenges of managing growth and protecting the environment in the Simcoe County area. The result seems to permit growth to occur in areas that were designated for growth but not used as such. Stay tuned!
Holding Symbol Removal By-law
The Council a By-law to remove the Holding Symbol from a significant number of properties, located mainly in the shoreline area. If your property has the Holding Symbol, you may check its status by calling the Planning Department.
Comparative Building Permit Activity Slumped in 2011Building activity in Tiny slumped in 2011 by about 25% over 2010. In January to December 2011 the construction vales of building permits issued was $30,729,000 versus a value of $41,515,000 in January to December 2010.
Official Plan Amendment Will Enable a Property Standards By-law
Council passed the necessary legislation for a Property Standards By-law to be enacted. The actual provisions of such a by-law by an appropriate consultative process at a later date.Pennorth Drive to Have One-Year Parking MonitoringCouncil considered the request of residents for strict “no parking” regulation on Pennorth Drive. Henk Blom, Manager of Public Works, provided a report on the issue. After considerable discussion Council decided to have the By-law Enforcement staff monitor Pennorth Drive for a period of one year to determine the type and volume of parking experienced and report Council.
Request for Access to Farlain Lake
Council considered a report from Henk Blom, Manager of Public Works, regarding a request for an access point to Farlain Lake. After discussion, Council resolved to refer the request to the Community Recreation Committee for their consideration and recommendation.
Associated Costs for the Collection and Removal of Dead Fish and Birds
Deputy Mayor Lawrence raised the matter of the cost incurred by the Township of Tiny for the collection and removal of dead fish and birds along the shorelines. He recommended that cost recovery be sought from the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans. Council directed staff to send correspondence to the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans seeking cost recovery in the amount of $9,954.99 for the collection and removal of dead fish and birds from the Township shorelines.
Tiny Fire Department’s New Respirator Fit Testing Machine
Council authorized Tony Mintoff, Fire Chief, to purchase a Porta Count WM8030 respirator fit testing machine from Levitt Safety Limited in the amount of $12,807.47, including HST. Such a machine is required to ensure the fitness all users of respirator equipment, and ensures that our fire fighters can safely use respirators.
Trew Avenue and Glen Forest Trail Parking Concerns
Council discussed a report from the Community Recreation Committee regarding parking concerns at Trew Avenue and Glen Forest Trail. They decided to forward to the appropriate staff for review, with comments to be provided to Council for their consideration.
Resolution of Support for a One-Year Moratorium on Industrial Wind Turbines
Councillor Warren addressed a resolution from the Municipality of Arran-Elderslie regarding a request for an immediate moratorium on construction of industrial wind turbines within the Province of Ontario until appropriate studies are done. Upon discussion, it was recommended unanimously that the Township of Tiny support the Municipality of Arran-Elderslie in this endeavour.
2011 Policing Services Semi-Annual Cost Reconciliation
Each year, on a semi-annual basis, the amount paid to the OPP for police service is reconciled with the actual costs. Tiny usually has pocketed a healthy sum each year. This November the semi-annual refund amounted to $65,790. Council resolved to put these funds into a newly established “Policing Services Reserve.”
Council Objects to an Application for Special Permit to Remove 25 Acres of Trees
The owners of a property at 580 Baseline Road have applied the County of Simcoe for a special permit to remove approximately 25 acres of trees. The County has requested comments from the Township regarding the application. The subject property is designated ‘Agricultural’ and ‘Environmental Protection 11’; in the Tiny Official Plan, which identifies a watercourse and a significant woodland on the subject property. The Township Official Plan has an ‘Environment First’ philosophy and recognizes and protects all significant rivers and streams and other bodies of water in the Township from development that may have an impact on their function as an important component of the natural heritage system; and to minimize the loss or fragmentation of significant woodland features and the habitats and ecological functions they provide. Councillors Claire and Wishart moved that Council object to the application to clear approximately 8-10 hectares (20-25 acres) of trees on the subject property.