January 11, 2010
Committee of the Whole Meeting: 9:01 am – to 12:28 pm and 1:08 pm to 4:16 pm
Regular Evening Meeting: 7.00 pm – 7.53 pm
All members of Council present
Council discussed the presentation made at the previous meeting. Specifically they decided that the beach entry points at Kitching Lane and near the Sunport Motel must more clearly identify the Township-owned area and the private property. They decided that these two entries will be signed the same as the concession road ends. Members of Council generally spoke in favour of continuing the event in 2010 and encouraged interested residents to become part of the organizing committee. It was noted that a 2010 event had been given some publicity, but Council has not approved it. The recommendation in the previous meeting’s presentation that the venue be moved to CBO Park was not discussed.
Staff was directed to consider requiring all organizations planning events to make firm proposals by March 31st.
The loan, which was due Dec. 31st, has not been repaid and the Villageois Corporation indicated they intend to get a mortgage in March 2010.
Council was not satisfied with the vague communication received and decided to apply the remedies laid out in the loan agreement.
Canada Post officials presented an update to their August presentation.
To recap, new postal routes in the north end of Tiny Township are required if the post office is to conform to labour laws. In August Council said that they would like to see “Tiny Township” addresses for everyone in the Township rather than rural routes out of Penetanguishene, Elmvale, and Midland. Changing the addresses for all residents, as opposed to changing only those who are impacted by the new routes out of Penetanguishene, is a much larger project. Staff reminded Council that there is a mail-in ballot for the municipal election this fall and therefore timing could be an issue. Staff will investigate and report back.
Members of Council noted that staff too frequently uses single source suppliers – waiving the Financial Procedures By-law. They requested a report for major categories such as engineering, fire equipment, legal, indicating such things as the current arrangement and the possibility of other sources. Several Councillors made it clear that they will not approve any future waivers.
It is unfortunate that this step was not taken early in Council’s term as some of the current purchasing arrangements have not been analyzed for many years. By the time a report is prepared and discussed the current term will be virtually over.
CORT (Coalition of Residents Tiny) requested Council to pass a resolution to join with five municipalities that are working to suspend construction of wind farms until the health impacts of turbines are researched and understood. Council agreed to support this request and will send delegates to all future meetings of the group.
The estimated value of construction in December 2009 increased to $2,073,000, substantially up from $296,000 in Dec. 2008. On the other hand, the total value of construction for the year 2009 was $25.9 millions, down from $31.8 millions in 2008. The 2009 level was the lowest since 2004.
The Council meetings scheduled for February 22nd have been moved to February 26th. The Committee of the Whole Meeting will commence at 9.00 am and the Regular Council Meeting will commence at 2:00 pm. Several members of Council will be attending a conference on the 22nd.
This is an important meeting, as the 2010 budget will be presented. Based on the three budget meetings, we believe that any tax increase will be very small. However some taxes may increase as a result of the four-year “roll-in” which commenced in 2009 from the MPAC assessments. The budget data provided to date reveals a good level of fiscal prudence by staff and council.