July 9, 2009
Emergency Special Committee of the Whole Meeting: 11:02 a.m. – 12:53 p.m. and 2:02 p.m. – 2:13 p.m.
All members of Council in attendance.
Community Monitoring Committee (CMC) members, Ron Cobbett (Chair), Anne Nahuis, and Darryl Leonard, also in attendance.
CONFIDENTIAL / CLOSED SESSION: 11:02 a.m. – 12:53 p.m. and 2:02 p.m. – 2:13 p.m. This concerned the cancellation by the County of Simcoe of the regular July 9 CMC meeting.
July 13, 2009
Committee of the Whole Meeting: 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. – 5:35 p.m.
Regular Evening Meeting: 7:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
All members of Council present
CONFIDENTIAL / CLOSED SESSION: 3.13 p.m. – 3:42 p.m. Council discussed a confidential presentation regarding the land expropriation process by Eric Finn of Berger and Rowe.
Green Energy Act Update – Kris Menzies of MHBC Planners provided an overview of the Act and its associated Regulations & Permitting Requirements. Her presentation is available on the Township website under Committee of the Whole Agenda, July 13, 2009, Section D. The Regulations are open for comment until July 24, 2009.
Council directed Menzies to incorporate the recommendations of the Visual Landscape Guidance for Industrial Wind Energy Facilities Study, prepared by the Univ. of Guelph, into the draft Official Plan Review document, and to have the latter posted on the Township Website no later than July 24, 2009.
Council also formally requested 15 changes in the Regulations and/or Permitting Requirements.
Summerama Business Plan – An updated plan included, among other things, a revised budget. Council approved $1920 in financial assistance. The Special Occasion Permit work is almost complete and it appears that the festival will proceed subject to confirmation of insurance, policing and security. Council emphasized that approval of the Permit did not make the Township responsible for any loss; the organizers confirmed that they would make up any shortfall. And they said that signage is to restrict the event to Township property.
Ministry of the Environment Presentation re Septage – Five officials from the MoE attended and Nina Koskenoja, an Engineering Specialist from the Waste Management Policy Branch, made a presentation. It included information regarding pilot projects using a variety of technologies. Overall, the presentation was disappointing because there are no reports yet available for the pros and cons of the technologies. Also the survey data presented was flawed and the sample size was very limited. The Ministry advised that they do not like the spreading of septage, but have no plan to prohibit the practice until the capacity for processing is increased substantially.
Council recognizes that continued spreading of septage on fields is not acceptable and directed staff to start to gather data relating to lagoon technology. In another discussion late in the agenda they concluded that any joint project with another municipality probably would not succeed and would increase the project time. They believe that the Township must move ahead promptly with a “Tiny” solution. In the end, they decided to retain C. C. Tatham & Associates to prepare a plan and budget for developing a treatment facility for consideration during 2010 budget discussions.
Township Signage Proposal – MC3 Communications presented preliminary ideas regarding signage for the Township. They included a variety of form and concept options. Staff will assist Council in selecting the most appropriate option, which will lead to a more detailed design and then costing. The consultant included, at no extra charge, three new Township logos for consideration, but a majority of Council refused to discuss them.
North Shore Drive Road Surfacing – The regular 10-year assessment of Township roads is due in 2010 and the prospects for a hard surface on North Shore drive were discussed in that context. During the discussion, staff revealed that they do consider roads between planning cycles but generally only when a substantial amount of building has occurred. That process appears to be quite subjective. This subject will be raised again during 2010 budget discussions.
Common Reed / Phragmites – No response has been received from the Ministry of Natural Resources regarding the control of the common reed. If a response is not received by August, the Township plans to commence spraying and/or cutting, using the methods that were approved by MNR for Wasaga Beach. (This is a key issue for all residents as the reed is spreading quickly and must be controlled.)
Building Permits Decrease – Year to date totals decreased from $16,315,000 in 2008 to $9,793,000 this year and June activity was down from $4,033,000 in 2008 to $3,552,000 this year.
Council unanimously resolved:
1. That the Council of the Township of Tiny request that the Premier of Ontario declare a one-year moratorium on the construction of the Landfill site known as Site 41 located in the Township of Tiny, County of Simcoe.
2. That a copy of this resolution be sent to the attached organization list, the Ministry of the Environment and local Provincial and Federal elected representatives.
3. That this resolution be sent to AMO asking for support and action on Provincial Waste Management.