Confidential/Closed Session; Ontario Municipal Internship Program; Discussion About Draft Business Licensing By-Law; Proposed Zoning By-Law Amendment to Regulate Fences; Audit Committee CancelledREPORT ON COUNCIL September 25, 2006 Committee of the Whole Meeting: 9:04 am – 12:59 p.m. Regular Evening Meeting: 7:06 p.m. – 7:36 p.m. Four Members of Council present. Councillor Peggy Breckenridge absent.
CONFIDENTIAL / CLOSED SESSION: 12:33 p.m. – 12:59 p.m.
ONTARIO MUNICIPAL INTERNSHIP PROGRAM: Council decided to authorize Clerk/CAO Ruth Coursey to apply for grant funding to support an intern working under her supervision in the Township Offices for a year beginning next June. The intern would have a recent Masters degree in Public Administration. During the year, this individual would be given experience in the various departments of the municipality, follow a structured program curriculum and complete work assignments for the municipality. Ideally such an individual would gain broad municipal experience while bringing fresh ideas and current information to the Township.
DISCUSSION ABOUT DRAFT BUSINESS LICENSING BY-LAW: One point of discussion with regard to the proposed standards for Campgrounds and Trailer Parks concerned enforcement of the by-law. Ordinarily, our By-law Department takes action when there is a complaint but does not institute regular checks to ensure that by-laws are being followed. Councillor Panasiuk suggested that regular inspections be undertaken to ascertain that various requirements in the Business Licensing Bylaw are followed.
PROPOSED ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT TO REGULATE FENCES: Council decided to retain Meridian Planning Consultants to outline options available to the Municipality to regulate fencing.
AUDIT COMMITTEE CANCELLED: Because the Township’s treasurer John Theriault left in January to take up a new position as CAO/Clerk of the Township of Leeds and the Thousand Islands and our new Treasurer Doug Taylor arrived only in June, the audit of the Township’s books for 2005 was delayed (the Auditors will present their report on October 10). Council decided that it is too late to have the current Audit Committee meet to consider the audit, and suggested that an Audit Committee be reappointed next February or March.