Confidential/Closed Session; Site 41: A Natural History of Tiny Township; Response from the Attorney General Regarding Mediation; A Master Plan for Woodland Beach Park?REPORT ON COUNCIL September 11, 2006 Committee of the Whole Meeting: 9:00 am – 3:11 p.m. Regular Evening Meeting: 7:03 p.m. – 7:50 p.m. All Members of Council present.
CONFIDENTIAL / CLOSED SESSION: 11:09 a.m. – 3:11 p.m.
SITE 41: Deputy Mayor Pierre Paul Maurice told Council that a recorded, weighted vote would be taken at County Council on September 26th on a motion to stop Site 41 (moved by himself and seconded by Mayor Klug), and that he had been, and would be, spending a great deal of time lobbying the representatives of the other 15 municipalities who sit on County Council.
A NATURAL HISTORY OF TINY TOWNSHIP: The Historical and Heritage Committee asked Council to provide funds (roughly $9,000) in its 2007 budget to cover the cost of printing 1,000 copies of “A Natural History of Tiny Township.” (This would be the third publication of the H&H Committee, after Recollections of Tiny and The North Simcoe Railway). Council decided to put the unspent $4,220 earmarked for publications this year into a reserve fund so that the new Council would only have to provide the balance. Several important points emerged in the discussion. The draft book needs adequate footnotes and bibliographic apparatus. (It was suggested that the Township should draft a policy setting standards that need to be met before subsidizing publication of documents. Council also felt that the Historical and Heritage Committee should put some thought into a marketing and business plan.
RESPONSE FROM THE ATTORNEY GENERAL REGARDING MEDIATION: Like other stakeholders, Council had written a letter to the Attorney General asking for a resumption of mediation given the unrest over the erection of a fence in Balm Beach. The response was identical to earlier letters from the AG on the subject, except for the final paragraph, which read: “Officials from the ministry are currently reviewing various options available surrounding Tiny Township. As well, the stakeholders may wish to seek legal advice about the remedies and processes available to them for resolving these issues in a constructive and cost-efficient manner.” Council asked that the response to this letter include a request that the Township be kept informed of future decisions by the Attorney General.
A MASTER PLAN FOR WOODLAND BEACH PARK?: In a letter, the Woodland Beach Property Owners’ Association asked that a Master Plan be prepared for Woodland Beach Park in accordance with the requirements of Tiny’s Official Plan regarding major shore parks. Council accepted CAO/Clerk Ruth Coursey’s recommendation that staff prepare a background report, informally contact a couple of firms who might prepare such a plan, and keep in touch with the Association on the matter. It will be up to the next Council to decide whether or not to move forward with a master plan, but the background work will be ready.