Confidential/Closed Session; .89% Decrease in Township’s 2006 Budget; MPAC Information Session; Treasurer’s Post; Upgrade to Council Chamber Sound System; More About the Airport Commission; Bluewater Beach Committee; Signage at Township Owned Beaches; Two-Bay Expansion of Road Works Complex; A Few Additional ‘No Parking’ Signs in Beach AreasREPORT ON COUNCIL
March 27, 2006
Committee of the Whole Meeting: 9:00 a.m. – 3:05 p.m.
Regular Evening Meeting: 7:07 p.m. – 8:08 p.m.
Mayor Robert Klug, Councillors Ray Millar and Rob Panasiuk present. Deputy Mayor Paul Maurice and Councillor Peggy Breckenridge away on vacation.
CONFIDENTIAL / CLOSED SESSION: 2:18 p.m. – 3:05 p.m.
.89% DECREASE IN TOWNSHIP’S 2006 BUDGET: Clerk/CAO Ruth Coursey presented the 2006 draft budget. It contains one modest bit of good news for those on Township-managed water systems: As the systems are now in compliance with the new regulations, the operating fee is to fall from $600 to $556. Also, a sum of $25,000 has been set aside for further investigative work into swimming water quality by the Severn Sound Environmental Association, and a sum of $50,000 for enhancement of Bluewater Park. The bridges on the Tiny Trail are now in place, and there is to be a formal opening of the trail in June. The average assessment increase across all properties in the Township is 22.56%. There is an overall tax DECREASE of .89% for Tiny’s portion (roughly a third) of the municipal tax bill.
Information about the budget is available in PDF format from the Township’s website – 2006 Budget Presentation(pdf) and 2006 Budget Summary(pdf)
MPAC INFORMATION SESSION: This is to be focussed on shoreline assessments and is to take place on May 27 or June 3, at the Wyebridge Community Centre.
We note that now that the deadline for filing for an Assessment Review Board hearing has been put forward to the end of June as a result of the Ombudsman’s scathing report about MPAC, this meeting should be useful for those who wish to appeal their assessment.
TREASURER’S POST: Advertising for a new treasurer was unsuccessful, so Council accepted the recommendation of CAO/Clerk, Ruth Coursey, that Zinner & Company be engaged to search for a new Manager of Administrative Services/Treasurer.
UPGRADE TO COUNCIL CHAMBER SOUND SYSTEM: As modest changes to the sound system have been ineffective, Council decided to move to a more sophisticated system at a cost of roughly $16,000 plus PST/GST.
MORE ABOUT THE AIRPORT COMMISSION: Mayor Klug, who sits on the Airport Commission, reported that the airport manager intended to get information from other airports at a conference to add to the information gathered by our Clerk, Ruth Coursey, and to use both to create a business plan. Another member of the Commission is to facilitate this. There is no time line – maybe September.
Councillor Panasiuk expressed concern about the lack of financial statements and minutes of Airport Commission meetings since last year. He asked that our administration request in writing a complete set of financial statements since January 2005 and a complete set of minutes and a copy of the Airport’s Insurance Policy. He was told that there had been no answer to his request that MPAC reconsider its low assessment of the Airport property.
BLUEWATER BEACH COMMITTEE: This is to consist of four representatives who own property within a two kilometer radius of Bluewater Beach Park plus one elected member. Appointments are to last for the balance of this Council’s term of office. The Committee is to meet at least six times a year. The staff resource person is to be the Parks and Recreation Coordinator.
SIGNAGE AT TOWNSHIP OWNED BEACHES: Fifteen additional green signs showing the extent of Township-owned property on the shore are to be prepared and placed at shore parks and parkettes at —
1. Tripp Lane Road Allowance in Concession 1
2. Siesta Park Road Allowance between Concessions 2 and 3
3. Betty Street in Concession 5
4. & 5. 2 Park Blocks in Concession 16
6. Asselin Park, Concession 17
7. 1 Park Block in Concession 17
8. Concession 18W Road Allowance between Concessions 17 & 18
9. Concession 19W Road Allowance between Concessions 18 & 19
10. Sandy Bay Road Allowance in Concession 19W
11. Sandy Bay Park Lot A, Registered Plan 1241 in Concession 19
12. Thunder Bay Lane Road Allowance between Concessions 18 & 19
13. Chemin du Loup Road Allowance Concession 18
14. Kettles Beach Road, Block Registered Plan 1051, Concession 20
15. Concession 19E Road Allowance between Concessions 18 and 19
TWO-BAY EXPANSION OF ROAD WORKS COMPLEX: This expansion is needed to house equipment, and is to be financed from Development Charges and from monies previously allocated to the Thunder Beach Drainage Study, as the latter will not be undertaken this year.
A FEW ADDITIONAL ‘NO PARKING’ SIGNS IN BEACH AREAS: The Manager of Public Works reconsidered nine areas where residents have complained about parking arrangements, and made the bracketed recommendations:
1. Tiny Beaches Road South at Pine Forest Drive (to remain as is)
2. Trew Avenue (dealt with as part of Bluewater Park arrangements)
3. Concession Road 5W at Tiny Beaches Road South (to remain as is)
4. Wendake Road and Melanie Lane (Wendake No Parking from the end of existing signage south of Evelyn Road to 20 m south of the reverse curve; Melanie, No Parking both sides)
5. Concession Road 6 West at Tiny Beaches Road South (to remain as is)
6. Old Trail Road (No Parking on east side from Concession 6 West to Glen Oak Drive)
7. Concession Road 8 West east of Stott Park (to remain as is)
8. LeFaive Road at Church in the Pines (to remain as is)
9. Pennorth Drive and the side streets Sunburn, Hathaway and Sundown Road (No Parking on south side of the side streets. Pennorth to remain as is.)
Councillor Panasiuk observed that the additional signs were a good beginning, but only a beginning. Mayor Klug observed that there should be no major changes, only “tweaks.”
We note that the ONLY criterion considered was safety. All other concerns were ignored, possibly because Council has supplied staff with no additional policy guidance with regard to parking.
WANT TO APPEAL YOUR ASSESSMENT? The date for filing for an Assessment Review Board hearing has been moved to the end of June. The date for filing a Request for Reconsideration is December 31.
If you are given comparables over the phone, ask that they also be sent to you in writing: you may need them for future reference.