May 26, 2004
Special Committee of the Whole Meeting: 1:10 p.m. – 5:14 p.m.
All Members of Council present.
DISCUSSION OF BUDGET: Among other things Council heard a deputation from the Huronia Airport Commission about its proposed capital budget for 2004.
SEARCH FIRM SELECTION: Council reviewed the quotations submitted by three search firms.
MAY 31, 2004
Committee of the Whole: 9:07 a.m. – 5:42 p.m.
Evening Meeting: 7:00 p.m. – 12:14 a.m.
All Members of Council present.
CONFIDENTIAL / CLOSED SESSION: 5:20 p.m. – 5:41 p.m.
BUDGET FOR 2004 PASSED: The overall increase in taxes to be collected in Tiny is 4.56%. The total to be raised through taxes is $16,503,643. This is divided three ways.
Municipal Levy — $5,821,454 — up 3.68%
County Levy — $5,009,379 — up 5.81%
Education Levy – $5,672,819 — up 4.39%
What does this mean for you? The average increase in assessment across the whole Township was 20.07%. So, if your assessment increase was less than 20%, your increase in taxes will be less than 4.56% ; if your assessment increase was greater than 20.07%, then your tax bill will increase by more than 4.56% .
Those interested in a more detailed account might like to consult the presentation the treasurer gave on the budget on Click Departments & Services under “Government”. Then click Treasury Department. The Budget04.pdf file appears at the bottom of the page.
SEA-DOO RENTALS AT BALM BEACH: Much of the evening Council meeting was devoted to re-examining the matter of a zoning by-law amendment to permit sea-doo rentals by a commercial establishment at Balm Beach. The amendment was granted by Council on January 26, but the notice given (while meeting the formal requirements of the Planning Act) did not adequately identify either the applicant business establishment, or the nature of the application.
A large number of members of the public attended to express concerns over the potential implications of permitting sea-doo rentals at Balm Beach. Twelve of these spoke in favour of reducing the number of PWC rental units or of rescinding the by-law amendment completely, as did 17 others who wrote letters or e-mails. In addition, 54 attendees signed a sheet saying that they were opposed to PWC rental at Balm Beach.
Two individuals supported the rental of sea-doos, John Neal of Sunport who rents them out, and a neighbour.
Council voted 4 – 1 to rescind and revisit the zoning by-law amendment. In addition, Council recognized that, due to the nature of the operation, it would have been appropriate, thought not legally required, for notice to have been disseminated more broadly.
PROCEDURAL BY-LAW CHANGES: Council intends to make several minor changes to the Township’s Precedural By-law to bring it into conformity with the new Municipal Act. It also intends to make changes to the rules concerning oral submissions (deputations) to Council. The changes are incorporated into the Draft Procedural By-law which is posted on the Township’s website under Public Notices. For the new rules concerning deputations, see section 18 and Schedule A. (Note: there will be an opportunity for public input during the regular evening meeting of Council on June 28.)
LAND IDENTIFICATION PROJECT / PROFESSOR LAMBDEN: A special meeting had been planned for June 4, at which the former Township Surveyor, Professor David Lambden, and the Township Solicitor, Mr. Rusty Russell would attend to provide information to Council and the public on the status on the township’s land identification project.
A communication from Professor Lambden indicated that he was not available to meet with Council on June 4.
Staff is to prepare information about Professor Lambden’s reports for presentation at a future meeting of Committee of the Whole.
IDENTIFICATION OF LAND OWNERSHIP ON ZONING MAPS: The acting Clerk / CAO, Roger Robitaille, advised Council that the advice of the Township’s solicitors was that public versus private ownership of shoreline areas should be indicated, where possible, on zoning maps, to avoid potential review by the Ontario Municipal Board.
CLERK / CAO FIRM SELECTION: Zinner and Company has been selected to assist the Township in the search process for a new Clerk / CAO.
GARBAGE COLLECTION 2005: Council adopted the County of Simcoe’s County-wide standardized level of service, effective January 1, 2005. According to this, garbage is to be limited to three bags per residential household per week with tags, with an unlimited number of heavy items being collected once a year, working toward a voucher system. [It is still not clear whether extra tags can be purchased or whether 4 bags may to be put out one week and 2 the next? These questions have been forwarded to the County of Simcoe, and when answers are forthcoming, we will report on them.]
PARKING PERMITS FOR B&BS: Council decided to allow operators of Bed & Breakfast establishments, or other operators of tourist accommodations in the Township, to apply for up to two permits. These may be transferable permits in the name of the registered business for the use of guests, at a price of $30 per permit, or they may non-transferable permits, costing $5, assigned to particular license plate numbers.
Former Deputy Mayor Patricia O’Driscoll commented on the Township’s draft encroachment by-law.
Wilma Gassler spoke about “One Voter’s View of the Township.”
Janet Evans (wife of former Clerk / CAO earl Evans) made another in a series of deputations expressing concern over Township administrative and personnel procedures, particularly in relation to her husband’s former employment by the Township.
RESPONSE TO MAY 10 DEPUTATION BY ANTHONY LANCIA: The Treasurer, John Theriault, reported to Council on his review of the latest in a series of deputations by former Mayor Anthony Lancia, alleging financial administrative irregularities. No irregularities were found, and Mr. Lancia is to be informed of this. The independent audit report of the 2003 finances of the municipality (which found them satisfactory) is to be made available to Mr. Lancia.