Municipal Elections – Tiny Township – Mark Your Calendar
ARE YOU ELIGIBLE TO BE ON THE VOTERS’ LIST? You are eligible to vote if: (1) a resident of the Township or (2) the owner of land in the Township or the owner’s “spouse” (as defined by the Act). Of course, all voters must be at least 18 years old and Canadian citizens. [If your cottage property is registered in the name of only one spouse, the other spouse is eligible to be added to the voter’s list.]
ARE YOU ON THE VOTERS’ LIST? A Voter Identification Notice 1994 (VIN) has been mailed by the Minister of Revenue. Each person named in the VIN should also appear in the preliminary voters’ list. If your home did not receive a VIN or, if your home received a VIN and your name is not included on the VIN, by October 14, 1994, you should contact the Clerk and ask for an application form for revision of the voters’ list. Request a separate form for each person asking to be added to the voter’s list. Upon receipt of the form, the person requesting to be added to the voters’ list should complete the form and return it to the Clerk by October 14, 1994.
The Clerk of the Township of Tiny may be contacted (in person, by letter, telephone or fax):
Municipal Offices Township of Tiny 130 Balm Beach Rd. Perkinsfield, Ont. L0L 2J0 telephone: 705-526-4204 fax: 705-526-2372
Note: a reduced size sample of the Voter Identification Notice 1994 (VIN) is shown here.
If you wish to check the preliminary list of voters, it is posted at the following locations:
Municipal Offices, Perkinsfield Wyevale Post Office, Wyevale Wyebridge Post Office, Wyebridge Perkinsfield Post Office, Perkinsfield Desroches Jug City, Lafontaine Mailloux Jug City, North West Basin
EVEN IF YOUR NAME IS NOT ADDED TO THE VOTERS’ LIST BY OCTOBER 14, 1994, your name can be added to the voters’ list right up to voting time, but the process is different and you must attend before the Clerk of the Township of Tiny at her office during normal business hours or before the Deputy Returning Officer on voting days.
Advance Polls:
1. Saturday, October 29, 1994 910:00 a.m. 8:00 p.m. Municipal Offices, Perkinsfield (and “The Place”, (seniors’ hall), Balm Beach 2. Wednesday, November 2, 1994 910:00 a.m. 8:00 p.m. Municipal Offices, Perkinsfield (and “The Place”, (seniors’ hall), Balm Beach 3. Saturday, November 5, 1994 910:00 a.m. 8:00 p.m. Municipal Offices, Perkinsfield (and “The Place”, (seniors’ hall), Balm Beach 4. Saturday, November 12, 1994 910:00 a.m. 8:00 p.m. Municipal Offices, Perkinsfield (and “The Place”, (seniors’ hall), Balm Beach
Election Day:
Monday, November 14, 1994 910:00 a.m. 8:00 p.m. Your Polling Place in Tiny
YOU SHOULD RECEIVE A NOTICE (postcard size) BEFORE OCTOBER 29, 1944: By mail, the Clerk of Tiny Township will send a Notice to each elector advising of: (a) the date and time of polling on days of advance polls (b) the date and time of polling on election day, and (c) the location of the polling place where you will vote at advance polls and on election day
Voting at Advance poll days takes place ONLY at: (a) the Municipal Office, or (b) “The Place” (seniors’ hall, Balm Beach)
Certification of Proxies will ONLY be at the Municipal Office.
IDENTIFICATION: Every voter should have photo identification (such as a driver’s licence or passport) with him/her when going to vote. If you have that identification on your person, you can help to speed up the process.
IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO VOTE IN PERSON, YOU MAY VOTE BY PROXY: A vote by proxy counts just as much as a vote in person it is not a second class vote it is a way of voting at municipal elections that the Province of Ontario has authorized under the Municipal Elections Act. It is easy to cast your ballot by proxy, BUT the rules set out below MUST be followed.
*** P L E A S E V O T E ***
VOTING TIMES – ALL POLLING DAYS 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
If you have any questions: call the Clerk of the Township of Tiny at (705) 5264204 or send a fax to the Clerk at (705) 5262372. If the Federation can help: please phone or fax (416) 4224067.