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Tiny Cottager Articles

What’s in store this summer?

What’s in store this summer? Most of you are now opening the cottage in anticipation of a summer that only Georgian Bay can offer. Your city friends cannot understand why anyone would get into the car and drive up north every weekend through all that traffic and then turn around [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles


TRUE or NOT TRUE * Councillor Gail Barrie is a loyal fan of Tiny’s shoreline owners! — NOT TRUE Councillor Gail Barrie said: “I think it is bigotry that motivates many of the waterfront cottage owners. They don’t like people they consider to be foreign. But they don’t like local people, [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles

Tiny Township Council Update

Tiny Township Council Update Meetings of Council How it Works The regular scheduled meetings of Tiny Township Council are held at 7:00 pm on the second and last Wednesdays of each month. At the same hour on the third Wednesday of each month, Council meets as Planning Board. Council meets as [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles

THIS IS AN ELECTION YEAR … Who Will Speak For You?

THIS IS AN ELECTION YEAR … Who Will Speak For You? By Paul Masterson Elections in Tiny Township next November could be the most critical event in your cottage life for a long time to come. The majority of the present Council during the last three years clearly indicated their [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles


THE LAWSUIT IS OVER BUT OFF-KEY MELODIES LINGER ON! EN GARDE! By Patricia O’Driscoll The Attorney General’s (AG) lawsuit brought by the Government of Ontario against Rowntree (RBA) is a topic of conversation in Tiny Township. Everyone has an opinion. Many do not bother basing that opinion on facts – [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles


Restructuring By Frank Hughes Restructuring for Tiny Township meant only one thing – giving away Tiny’s lands by changing Tiny’s boundaries, especially at the Highway 93 Shopping Mall Strip, representing 85% of Tiny’s commercial and industrial tax assessment. The only official position that this Tiny council has had on the [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles

Market Value Assessment – the next nail in our coffin?

Market Value Assessment – the next nail in our coffin? By Jack Ellis Elsewhere in this issue you have been reading about one of the first whacks in the wallet Tiny Township cottagers have received from restructuring – Tiny gets a 7% increase in education taxes while Barrie gets only [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles


MAJOR TAX INCREASE DESPITE FoTTSA PROTEST ……..Bitter lesson for cottagers Below is the complete text of the FoTTSA presentation of March 9, 1994 8:00 p.m. at the Simcoe County Board of Education delivered by Al Taylor. “Madam Chairman, Trustees Ladies and Gentlemen My name is Al Taylor, President of the Federation [more]

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IT’S OVER! Attorney General’s lawsuit against Rowntree

IT’S OVER! Attorney General’s lawsuit against Rowntree By Patricia O’Driscoll March 15, 1994: “All Government Claims Dismissed” The Government of Ontario’s (plaintiff’s) claim of ownership of the beach and part of 14 waterfront properties at Rowntree (RBA) (defendants) in Tiny Township was dismissed by the trial judge, The Honourable Mr. [more]