Report on Council: May 14, 2012

Report on Council
May 14, 2012
Committee of the Whole Meeting: 9:00 am – 10:42 am
Regular Meeting: 7:00 pm – 7:40 pm
Present: Mayor Millar, Deputy Mayor Lawrence, Councillors Claire, Warren and Wishart

Building Activity January-April
Building activity in Tiny increased significantly in the first 4 months of 2012, versus 2011. The following are the building activity comparisons for January to April 2012 (Construction Value $5,695,000) and January to April 2011 (Construction Value $4,923,000).

Discussion of Beach Access Permits
The Committee discussed the current “Beach Access Permit” which allows contractors to traverse over public property (laneways, etc.) to access private property. The Committee requested that the policy be brought back for discussion along with a staff report. Among the issues discussed was the small time frame in the spring and fall; a tightening up of the policy; a requirement of a $25,000 performance bond to handle potential problems such as the creation of large ruts on the beach by tractors. There is a need to allow for exemptions to beach access for septic systems and wells with a requirement that the land be returned to the original condition. Machines on properties without a permit would be charged by a Bylaw Officer. Permits would be needed for access to the beach at Concession 5 for sand removal.

Bluewater Subdivision Roads – Parking
The Committee considered Public Works Report PWR-26-12 from Henk Blom, Manager of Public Works, regarding proposed parking within the Bluewater Subdivision as recommended by the Bluewater Dunes Restoration Advisory Committee (BDRAC). The BDRAC recommended that Permit Parking be implemented on Nicole Boulevard (#1-#118), Emilio Place (#3 to Vincent), and all of Connie Drive, Jones Road, McMahan Road and Caston Road. Staff brought forward a draft resolution at the Regular Meeting of Council to direct staff to monitor the parking situation at Bluewater Beach during the summer of 2012, to look at roads which might require no parking and to report back to Council. McMann, Caston and Jones don’t provide enough access for emergency vehicles. Council mentioned that residents may obtain a temporary permit for special functions which allows participants to park even in no parking areas.

Balm Beach Road Drainage Alternatives
The Committee considered a Public Works Report from Henk Blom, Manager of Public Works, regarding the Balm Beach Road Drainage Alternatives. Council resolved to accept Option 3 – Partial Urbanization, with the works to be constructed in the fall of 2102 and that all signage be changed as soon as possible to reflect the changes in parking as approved. The cost of the additional works estimated at $87,002 to be taken from the Capital Expenditure Reserve. The township would maintain open shallow swales in each block draining water into catch basins. A storm sewer would be built on the south side of Balm Beach Rd W with 2 catch basins on the north side. A concrete sidewalk would be built along the south property line separated from the asphalt by a grassy swale.

Hope Burnside re: Consent to Remove Invasive Grass from Township Property.
In 1980 the owner planted grasses on her property. When she realized that they were invasive she hired Hastings Construction to remove them and they have not grown back. The owner has requested permission to remove the same grasses from township property prior to the summer and replace with an indigenous grass.

The Ministry of Natural Resources has no resources left for bear management. They will no longer trap and relocate or provide site visits to help landowners who are having conflicts with bears. Now, the police will handle problem bears. The Ministry is suggesting that property owners take steps to make their properties uninviting to bears. The municipality has bear resistant waste management infrastructures.